B12 injection help

for the past month I have been taking b12 shots, My appetite is huge and my general out look on life seems better other that that have not noticed anything else
I do 1cc, 27 gauge, anywhere IM.
I THINK it stimulates my appetite, can't prove it.
3 types: cyanocobalamin, hydroxycobalamin, methylcobalamin
good, better, best (probably).
It's cheap as hell, esp the cyano-c
Thought it would increase appetite and didnt. I dont use it anymore, unless Im sick. Seems to boost the immune system for me.
my main purpose was to increase appetite when bulking... thats the only time i take b12... without the increased appetite from the b12, i cant come close to eating enuf on a bulker
snake said:
for the past month I have been taking b12 shots, My appetite is huge and my general out look on life seems better other that that have not noticed anything else

Interesting.........Ihave always wandered if it was over-rated.
Never tried it yet, but....................................
I just picked some up last night. I'm going to do 1 cc EOD for a week, then 1 cc/week after that.
I'll let y'all know what how I find it.:D
Hammer said:
Where do you get it and how often do you inject, can you mix it with gear

In Canada you can get Human Grade OTC, in the US you have to get a a Vet Supply place.

You can do 1 cc (1000 mcg) EOD for a week to saturate yourself, then 1 cc every week or every other week.

Yes you can mix in with gear.