B12 Injects while ON, VET/HUMAN?


New member
A few questions. How many people run B12 with their cycles?

And I seem to have a VERY difficult time finding a decent B12 vet grade source. The easiest I can actually get is what I already ordered which only have 100 MCG per mL. It was a B Complex, and I ordered without really looking. I am looking for 1000 mcg per mL, but everything I find requires a script for even VET grade. Not sure why my fucking horse or cattle would require a script let alone be able to get one, is beyond me.

So does anyone know of any cheapo vet supply places that don't actually require a script. I went through calvetsupply and they only have the pussy grade, which is what I already have.

Help me out brothers.
yea i do I'm new here i don't think were supposed to name sites even though its a vitamin its goofy you need a script pm me or just go to peptide sites which is where i got mine i don't take it anymore I've talked to a few pharmacists and they always say its a waste of money just get the pills .and the site i know its 30 bucks for 10000 so prices have gone up i think its a placebo effect if anything
You don't need a script in the United States for B12. The Pharm is just playing buy the books to avoid the DEA.

Amazon, ebay, etc...

Sell b12 in injectable form. Personally I think you're wasting money, but whatever floats your boat.
A few questions. How many people run B12 with their cycles?

I have once and gained 10 pounds just from the B-12.There is 2 different types of B-12... Methylcobalamin and Cyanocobalamin.

The Cyanocobalamin is cheaper and it converts inside the body to Methylcobalamin,therefore is why Methylcobalamin is more expensive.Don't need a script for it and stay away from B-12 animal crap.I used the Cyanocobalamin version of injectables.I was using it 2 times a week then leaning off to just once a week nearing the end of the cycle.Be ready with foods since it will ramp up your eating habits.