Back advice


New member
I'm currently in my fourth month of my bulking phase (up from 150 lbs at 9% BF to 172lbs at 14% BF) and was wondering if you guys can give me some tips for my back.

During the first 3 months I was focusing on a lot of wide grip pullups, barbell rows, narrow grip seated rows, deads, and behind the neck pull downs.

Right now, I've changed my workout to doing 1 workout like the previous 3 months and 2 workouts that incorporate various types of dumbbell rows, front lat pull downs, and wide grip seated rows, and deads. On back days I am also doing rear shoulders and traps (front and lateral shoulders being worked on chest days).

I managed to snap a quick picture with my cell phone across the mirror (hence the angle and the difference in symmetry between the left and right sides).

I would highly appreciate any tips, comments, or advice you guys could give me.
Got some good meat going on in your middle and upper back.

Looks like you could use some more on you outer and lower lats. Just under your armpit should be bulging. Its not...

Reverse grip barbell rows for outer lat thickness all along the length and especially at the tail end of the muscle.

Medium to wide grip pull downs to the front and or reverse grip pull downs to the front to hit that meat just under the arm pit.

I love back days...
To add to the good suggestions above: I'm a big fan of Tbar rows (assuming your gym has one) to really stress the whole lat.
To add to the good suggestions above: I'm a big fan of Tbar rows (assuming your gym has one) to really stress the whole lat.

yeah, I was actually gonna say T-bars and wide grip weighted pullups as well. I fricken love T-bar rows. I could do them all day!
What you need is very simple... heavy ass rack pulls. Document your progession and trust me your lower back and lat thickness will come in.
Always start with the bar right below knee level and pull the bar upwards while trying to push through the floor with ur feet . and squeeze ur shoulder blades together at the top. Stay between 6-8 rep range to add overall size and thichness bro. Ur erectors will become steel cables by doing this move