Backloading for Dummies..............


Alright since a lot of guys over the last few years have been asking or having a hard time understanding how to back load insulin pins, I figured I would create a thread with pictures. Something to note before I start......

I shoot my testosterone Intra-muscular (IM) and have shot Sub-q as well. If I am going IM, I obviously do 1ml at a time max. If I am shooting my testosterone Sub-q, I don't go over 1/2ml in one spot as it will leave a nasty bruise and its just not a good practice. For IM I shoot Delts and Quads as I am lean enough for a 1/2 inch needle to penetrate my muscle. I have shot my test and other compounds like this for the last couple of years. I ran a test/tren cycle and the entire cycle was done like this as I was keeping my TRT dose and shooting no more than 1ml at a time of Tren and I had great success.


1. 2 alcohol swabs
2. 1 29 gauge 1/2 insulin pin
3. 1 20 gauge 1.5 inch pin for drawing
4. Bottle of Testosterone

Here are my supplies

Step 1: Use Alcohol Swab to rub the top vial of your bottle of your testosterone. I practice being sanitary so don't ask why I do this..

Step 2: Using the 20 gauge needle, draw your testosterone out of the vial. I am going to shoot 0.5ml.

Step 3: Grab the insulin pin and pull the back plunger out. Make sure to grab it by the tip as you don't want your hands all over the plunger. Now set that down somewhere sanitary or hold it in between your fingers. Now shoot the testosterone from the 29 gauge in to the back of the insulin cylinder.....

Step 4: Put the plunger from the insulin needle back on and barely push it on. Just enough for it to stay put like this.....

Step 5: Flip the insulin pin right side up. The needle side should be facing straight up towards the ceiling like this pic.. You can watch an air bubble rise through the testosterone up to the top.

Step 6: Now take off the insulin cap/top.

Step 7: You will now push the plunger all the way up until the testosterone is pushed to the top. I push until a little testosterone comes out of the needle. I use it as a lubricate for injection anyway. If you leave the cap on while you are pushing it up, it kind of creates some pressure and sprays a little testosterone in the insulin cap, which is why I take it off.

Now swab your injection area and enjoy!! Please note, I have recently read where guys are actually using the insulin pin to draw. Makes zero sense for 2 reasons. One because it takes time to do that. Second because putting the insulin pin in the vial to draw test greatly dulls the needle for injection. Yes we do this for HCG and HGH shots in the belly but when I am wanting to shoot IM, I always want a fresh needle. Also, some guys draw with an 18 gauge and again if a 20 gauge draws fast, I don't see the point in trashing the rubber stopper with such a big needle. Especially considering a lot of guys these days use 20ml vials so you should try to keep the rubber top in tack. A 22 gauge will work but I have found that a 20 gauge is the best for me. So back load and don't be dumb asses. Good luck!!

Nice thread.. i ve been wondering how to lately. this covered everything
Nice! I've been doing this for years and have always had to demonstrate the teqnique to buddies. Now I can just send them this link, great post!
What are the benefits of injecting testosterone via the insulin syringe rather than a regular syringe.?
Are there any real benefits or is it just a personal choice.?

What are the benefits of injecting testosterone via the insulin syringe rather than a regular syringe.?
Are there any real benefits or is it just a personal choice.?


Less chance of building up scar tissue as the needle is smaller. The larger the needle, the more it is going to rip your muscle. lol. Plus pain/comfort is a big plus. I don't even feel these needles going in anymore.
Did this my last 1/2 cycle about 8 months ago. Winner and will always do it this way. So much easier, painless and like butter in the delts.
Where are you injecting this?
I can see quads and dels as there's little fat, but glutes and ventro glutes, can you get deep enough?

Everyone always seem to stress about going deep into the muscle.

Love the idea though! I do my trt shots twice a week. Any issue you think pre-loading the second needle at the same time? Save the test bottle rubber as well as using less of the larger needles and syringes.
Where are you injecting this?
I can see quads and dels as there's little fat, but glutes and ventro glutes, can you get deep enough?

Everyone always seem to stress about going deep into the muscle.

Love the idea though! I do my trt shots twice a week. Any issue you think pre-loading the second needle at the same time? Save the test bottle rubber as well as using less of the larger needles and syringes.

I personally like to do glutes and ventro glute with a longer pin for sure. Now if I could get some 1 inch slin pins, I would be alright. Lol. Yeah you can preload several needles at a time. Its no big deal. I wouldn't leave them preloaded for months but a couple of weeks is fine in my opinion.
I do 5/8" in the delts, 1/2mL in each L/R and just alternate heads on injection days. I remember when injecting quads, 3/4" in would be painful and read that they needed deeper. So just stuck with delts/glutes.
Is pushing the test through the slin needle going to take more time? My wife had to help me with glutes before and she could barely push it through with the big needle...couldn't imagine her with a slin...although I don't have her doing my shots for me anymore (Nurse does).
What is the advantage to back loading over drawing with the larger needle on the syringe, then putting the smaller gauge needle on the syringe to inject?
awesome write up.. this is probably going to sound like a dumb question: this technique and the smaller pin is used for a sub-q injection? thnx -Seburn
Is pushing the test through the slin needle going to take more time? My wife had to help me with glutes before and she could barely push it through with the big needle...couldn't imagine her with a slin...although I don't have her doing my shots for me anymore (Nurse does).

It doesn't take as much time as people think. The insulin syringe is smaller around and it creates a strong force/pressure. Takes me around 20 seconds to shoot 1/2ml. Not bad.

What is the advantage to back loading over drawing with the larger needle on the syringe, then putting the smaller gauge needle on the syringe to inject?

Well insulin needles are 29 gauge and all one piece. You can't remove the tops. So if guys want to use a smaller gauge like a 29g-31g, then this is the way to do it.

awesome write up.. this is probably going to sound like a dumb question: this technique and the smaller pin is used for a sub-q injection? thnx -Seburn

I use it for IM as well as Sub-q. If you are going to do sub-q, I wouldn't shoot more than 1/2ml in one spot as that is a lot of volume to hold under the skin. If you are lean enough, you can go IM. I go IM in my delts and quads.
i have been using this method for my trt since you posted it rip.. thanks alot man!! painless injections!!!

Thanks man. Glad it has been going well for you. I am going to be getting with you soon for a good diet plan. I need to change shit up.