Bad Acne breakout at last cycle...

I got my hands on a ton of Himalaya Liv 52 DS for liver support and to bring my values up. Should I just do UDCA? What is better? I'm at NAC 1200 mg daily and Liv 52DS 4 tabs daily. Had shitty liver values also
If your liver values are already high, and you're still taking something liver toxic - I'd grab the UDCA too. I do like liv52, and I actually add it to my NAC as an extra measure. As it's dirt cheap, I see no issues with it. :)

my test is actual pharmacy , not black market stuff.
tommorow i have my results...

I ask as it can be difficult to save up enough testosterone from a script to run a blast, unless you're also using UGL gear at other times. Many guys buy "pharmaceutical grade" test on the Internet, only to find out they paid extra for straight up oil. Compounding pharmacies have been showing a trend lately (in folks I know, on top of board posts) to be having quality control issues. However, if you're physically picking up vials of testosterone from an actual pharmacy, that's going to make for an interesting discussion if your labs do indeed come back low.
i see , also on this forum , not many people knows how to handle acne breakouts.
it seems to be a problem who everybody for themselves has to figure out what kind off anabolics and what doses are good or no good for avoid acne.
so many info for all steroids , cycles etc. but not much info or experience on this subject...

this is true because this is the first time i went this high with EQ(1g/wk) and never had acne like this before. I took to accutane because i know it works and my buddy owns a pharmacy in europe so he sent me some samples. part of it was a small amount of accutane. i said what the hell instead of just letting it sit. ill give it a go

but i ran test at almost 1g a week before and never had this happen
However, if you're physically picking up vials of testosterone from an actual pharmacy, that's going to make for an interesting discussion if your labs do indeed come back low.

yes , i'm physically picking up my vials of test e (androtardil) also my HCG and Aromasin , only my deca and boldenone are from UG , but a very well tested lab.
Interesting, look forward to those labs then. :)

ok , here is the rest of my bloodwork :

Testosteron total : 2279 ( should be between 200 and 700 )
SHBG : 0.1 ( should be between 0.5 and 1,5 )
Testosteron free : 94 ( should be between 4 and 15 )
Somatomedine C : 790 ( should be between 75 and 320 )
IGF1 SDS score : 2,8
I'm still trying to find the way to control acne on cycle, but I have had some luck knocking it back.

My go-to topical product is nizoral shampoo. It has an antifungal ingredient that also acts as an anti-androgen. I just use it as a body wash, but you can get the active ingredient as a cream also.

My observations have shown that low E2 gives me bacne, high e2 causes chest breakouts. Also noticed an all around increase in acne when I tried proviron, probably related to elevated DHT.
ok , here is the rest of my bloodwork :

Testosteron total : 2279 ( should be between 200 and 700 )
SHBG : 0.1 ( should be between 0.5 and 1,5 )
Testosteron free : 94 ( should be between 4 and 15 )
Somatomedine C : 790 ( should be between 75 and 320 )
IGF1 SDS score : 2,8

Thanks for sharing this :)
ok , acne is gone ! ! !
i know how to controle it with some adjustments and extra's in my current "higher" cycles.