Bad PIP from Test Prop and elevated White Blood Cell count


New member
Okay, so a few questions regarding my first cycle. First, I'll start with stats since you all will surely ask.

Age: 21
Starting Weight 6'5" 197lbs (coming off a Crohns flare up, previously 213), went up to 205 after the first week and now back down to 199
Years Lifting: almost 4
Bodyfat: ~10%

So this is my first cycle. Yes, I know you should wait until 24-25 but it's hard for me to gain weight with Crohns and I already have an extremely good base, although that may be hard for some of you to believe based off my stats.

I started two saturdays ago, today is the end of week 2 and tomorrow will be the 8th pin.

So I am getting extremely bad PIP from this test prop and I took a blood test (CBC) for my GI Doctor (crohns) and they told me that my white blood cell count is pretty high and they don't know why. They had me take the test because I'm on Sulfasalazine for Crohns, which can lower white blood cell count, and the results came back with my white blood cell count being higher. I haven't seen the test results or know anything other than "your white blood cell count is pretty high, go get it tested again on tuesday to see if it was a fluke".

I've been rotating pins between the glutes and quads 150mg (1.5cc) EoD with a 23g 1.5" needle. The PIP is really bad to the point where it's affecting my daily life. Hard to walk, hard to go up and down stairs, get in and out of my car, put socks and shoes on, put pants on, pick up weights off the ground, sit down, get up from lying down, bend over, etc. It feels kind of swollen in the sense that it jiggles more when I walk and I can feel a slight swell when I sit or lie down. I haven't really been able to workout legs, although I did finally do some calves and leg extensions today since the PIP is now gone from my quads, at least until tomorrow when I pin a quad again.

I pinned my left glute Tuesday and my right glute thursday (yesterday) and they are both really sore and slightly swollen. But it's not swollen at the injection site like a bump or anything, just my entire glute feels slightly swollen to the point where it's noticeable but you can't tell by looking at it.

No discoloration. No feeling warm. I don't have a fever or any other symptoms. Just slight swell, bad PIP, and apparently a high white blood cell count.

The PIP will be really bad for 3-5 days and then go away completely. But since I'm rotating glutes and quads I only have 4 sites at the moment and am pinning EoD so I'm constantly sore in either my quads or glutes so that's why I'm having difficulties in my daily life, and also why I haven't been able to workout legs or squat.

I made this thread on multiple other forums. A few bigger forums with steroid sections and then also on a different forum dedicated solely to steroids, just like this forum is. All the other forums basically said not to worry much about it but the steroid forum basically gave me nothing but "you have an infection from the gear toss it and go to the dr or you'll end up in the hospital" which, while it's understandable to be better safe than sorry, seems over dramatic.

So what could be going on here?

edit - I've been heating up the gear via putting the vial in a cup of hot water. Cleaning the vial and injection site with alcohol on a cotton ball, I usually take hot shower and/or contrast showers after injecting, and I've also been hitting the sauna on injection days but I still have bad PIP. Drawing with 18g and pinning with 23g. I have 25s, 27s, and 30s being shipped which should get here next week hopefully. I may go pick up some 27s tomorrow though because I found out right after I ordered that there's a local store which allows anyone to buy needles.

edit - I should also mention that towards the end of week one I was feeling great. Awesome energy and running circles around my workouts. This week I've been feeling a lack of energy and kind of depressed and moody and have had a few shitty workouts in a row. I went ahead and started adex today with .25mg which I'll be taking EoD. Acne is also really bad, so hopefully the adex will help with that as well. Additionally I was taking the original jack3d which has DMAA in it so that could be the cause of mood swings, I don't know for sure. I'm not taking jack3d anymore though.
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Yeah... You most likely have an infection. That's the highest probability.

What makes you think I have an infection from the gear? The high white blood cell count is the only thing odd except for the really bad PIP, which goes away within a few days.
What makes you think I have an infection from the gear? The high white blood cell count is the only thing odd except for the really bad PIP, which goes away within a few days.

The same reasons you were told on the other board. Not sure if you were aware but 2 of the guys that advised you were Doctors and I know one of them personally. Both are very smart individuals and they deal with this kind of stuff regularly. Personally, I wouldn't discount what they had to say. Just looking at the causes of high WBC, an infection is the highest probability.
The same reasons you were told on the other board. Not sure if you were aware but 2 of the guys that advised you were Doctors and I know one of them personally. Both are very smart individuals and they deal with this kind of stuff regularly. Personally, I wouldn't discount what they had to say. Just looking at the causes of high WBC, an infection is the highest probability.
But what makes you think it's from the gear? High White blood cell count could be anything from allergies, to stress, to an actual infection, to lifting really hard the day before the blood test.
But what makes you think it's from the gear? High White blood cell count could be anything from allergies, to stress, to an actual infection, to lifting really hard the day before the blood test.

No one knows that. No one can tell you on a forum. All people can do is give you their opinion based on your story. There's a really good chance it's the gear. You never said anything about allergies. You never said anything about stress. But you did mention gear. You see how it adds up? If there's more to the story, please tell us, but based on what you said, it makes sense to suggest an infection.

Let me ask you something, if I said it's allergies for sure... would you say OK and go on about your day? I mean, is there something specific you're trying hear? Or do you want to hear anything BUT infection? Your appointment is in a few days, I think you should just relax and stop overthinking this and let the docs do their job on Tuesday. You're going to drive yourself crazy and for what? What if you find out what it is exactly, what are you goin to do about it? Nothing until you get a script for whatever it is.
No one knows that. No one can tell you on a forum. All people can do is give you their opinion based on your story. There's a really good chance it's the gear. You never said anything about allergies. You never said anything about stress. But you did mention gear. You see how it adds up? If there's more to the story, please tell us, but based on what you said, it makes sense to suggest an infection.

Let me ask you something, if I said it's allergies for sure... would you say OK and go on about your day? I mean, is there something specific you're trying hear? Or do you want to hear anything BUT infection? Your appointment is in a few days, I think you should just relax and stop overthinking this and let the docs do their job on Tuesday. You're going to drive yourself crazy and for what? What if you find out what it is exactly, what are you goin to do about it? Nothing until you get a script for whatever it is.

Yeah I'm probably overreacting. But this is my first cycle and some people are telling me that it's normal, some say to stop being a bitch, and then others tell me what basically comes across as "you're about to die if you don't stop the cycle" so it's a little confusing and I'm trying to be safe on my first cycle.

I don't think I've ever had an CBC before and the reason I got it was because my doctor wanted to check my white blood cell count because I'm on Sulfasalazine for Crohns Disease (autoimmune disorder/inflammation of the bowels) and sulfasalazine can sometimes lower white blood cell count, so they were slightly worried since they didn't know why it was HIGH when it should have either been normal or low. They said it's possible it was a fluke though and I'm retesting this week (monday or tuesday).

I'm a pretty stressed and anxious person in general so that could be it. Or it could be related to crohns. Or it could just be because I lifted heavy the day before the blood test. As I said I don't think I get CBCs done routinely so maybe it's always high and they just never realised it because it was never tested.

As far as right now I'm just going to take the weekend off from lifting, chill the hell out, and not worry unless I get some actual infection symptoms like discoloration or fever or whatever.
Yeah I'm probably overreacting. But this is my first cycle and some people are telling me that it's normal, some say to stop being a bitch, and then others tell me what basically comes across as "you're about to die if you don't stop the cycle" so it's a little confusing and I'm trying to be safe on my first cycle.

I don't think I've ever had an CBC before and the reason I got it was because my doctor wanted to check my white blood cell count because I'm on Sulfasalazine for Crohns Disease (autoimmune disorder/inflammation of the bowels) and sulfasalazine can sometimes lower white blood cell count, so they were slightly worried since they didn't know why it was HIGH when it should have either been normal or low. They said it's possible it was a fluke though and I'm retesting this week (monday or tuesday).

I'm a pretty stressed and anxious person in general so that could be it. Or it could be related to crohns. Or it could just be because I lifted heavy the day before the blood test. As I said I don't think I get CBCs done routinely so maybe it's always high and they just never realised it because it was never tested.

As far as right now I'm just going to take the weekend off from lifting, chill the hell out, and not worry unless I get some actual infection symptoms like discoloration or fever or whatever.

I completely understanding. I just wanted to make sure you're aware that no matter what anyone suggests it might be... we can come up with 100 objections. So it would be a never ending battle :)
Stop taking 150mg shots of prop. Thats to much at once. Even 100mg can cause extreme soreness so if your gonna take prop you need know your probably gonna have issues. My advice is pin ed or twice in the same day at two different locations. 75mg per pin.
I don't think it's a infection at all. it's just prop what it doe's some people are good to good with prop others not.

me on the other hand's I get a fever like 12hours later and feel really sick don't feel like eating etc.
the pip is bad! fuck it gets sore and muscle growth comes I have like round balls on my ass cheek's.
I do my, ass, legs, arm... was doing 150 eod but you don't need it with prop. 100mgs eod is fine.
I get use to the soreness and just think about the gains. shit happens life could much shiiter