Baking fina question


New member
OK so i'm a moron and left my fina in the oven for like 4-5 hours @ 250 -- is there anything left to it or is it just oil now and nothing more :(
Batman said:
Tren molecule should be finished, only oil in your ampule, bro.

Where did you get that info? If you can bake it at 275-300 for an hour without damaging it, I'm not so sure 4-5 hours at 250 would cause any problems.

Pullinbig, you out there bro?
thorsky said:
Where did you get that info? If you can bake it at 275-300 for an hour without damaging it, I'm not so sure 4-5 hours at 250 would cause any problems.

Pullinbig, you out there bro?

thats kinda what i was hoping for, but in the same breath in my head i've kinda chalked it up to a loss :( guess time will tell
did it turn black? if not it is good to go. make sure to calibrate you oven and go 275-285f next time. 1 hour is the minimum time required. 90 minutes to 120 minutes is better but not necessary.

next time maybe robin willl answer instead of batman, or better yet alfred. he is got a lot of experince. lolololololololol
pullinbig said:
did it turn black? if not it is good to go. make sure to calibrate you oven and go 275-285f next time. 1 hour is the minimum time required. 90 minutes to 120 minutes is better but not necessary.

next time maybe robin willl answer instead of batman, or better yet alfred. he is got a lot of experince. lolololololololol

hahahhah alfred!

thanks for the info bro!!

here is what it looks like now, its a little thick in places, almost looks like when you mix oil and water you got pools of thicker concentrations of oil in a few spots...thinkin i'm gonna run it thru a filter again and hopefully that will do it

no need. warm slightly on eye of stove til it is warm top the touch. swirl, draw and shoot. made the bllod rush to my peepee jes lookin at it.
PB your crazy bro...all that test is gettin to your head...and not the one with the brain in it...

Looks like some pretty good shit you got there berniec

Good luck with it bro
still nothing settled out of it, first shot is in about 10 minutes, i'll post the results or my script for cipro in a few days lol
lololololol if you get an infection here's the pocedure to get rid of it.

inject 5ml BA into infected area. wait 5 minutes and draw off with a 10ml syringe with a 18 pin.

repeat process.

as everyone knows BA kills all bacteria so this will get rid of that nasty infection pronto.
Hahaha man this shit is funny, but arent you worried someone might actually take you seriously and inject 5ml's of ba? OUCH!

What are you talking about NYCEE 5 ml of BA will solve all of your problems...didn't you know that?

Especially with that 18 g pin...I actually heard it works even better if you can get a bigger pin...something like a 12

in all seriousness people do this. it does help as the ba loosens stuff (infection) up and helps prevent further damage. you will draw some nasty lookin shit out.
pullinbig said:
in all seriousness people do this. it does help as the ba loosens stuff (infection) up and helps prevent further damage. you will draw some nasty lookin shit out.

what if you just chopped your whole leg off? wouldnt that solve the problem too? or blow a hole near the injections site with a shot gun?

LOL -- at any rate its been 2 days since i injected it (was mixed with 2cc of other gear so there shoulda been plenty of BA goin in with that even if the BA in the fina was burnt off to keep everything germ free, and no signs of infection so far :D