This is one of three responses in this thread that is intelligent.
Follow very sterile brewing practices, wiping all surfaces and areas around your brewing station ovens and handles etc down with isopropyl alcohol and just all around being sterile. Heat product up to 90-100 C while brewing and 65-90 C while filtering and use .22um filter and there will be no probs, plus the juice will be stronger. My practices have shown me that using heat after final product is made to "sterilize" will cause the molecules of the hormones to be destroyed slowly rendering it useless and therefore less potent.
Same powders same source.... used to bake and the shit was good, then stopped baking and using less heat for less duration during brewing got back on cycle and the shit was a lot stronger mg for mg.
From the time I put the powder BB and BA on the burner to melt it to the time I add the (heated GSO and EO) to begin filtering it is roughly 12 minutes and then the heat gets turned down for sterile filtering and for a 40ml batch by the time I get done filtering and capping 4 vials its about another 10 mins so a total of about 25min or so the product gets heat and that is it!
Never had an infection with that method or even the slightest pain with prop, enanth, cyp, deca, EQ, at normal doses.