Baseline Labwork too late?


New member
Hello guys

Well I decided to start Ostarine at 20mg. Now I know rule of thumb is to have a baseline before even starting BUT me being not patient, I jumped on the Ostarine. I did do Labwork today this morning at 8am fasted. Yesterday was my second day/dose of Ostarine at 20mg. My question is was doing the labwork this morning still good for a baseline? Would the Ostarine already start any type of changes in hormones or any other values in the lab work in just 2 days?

I'm not sure if this is in the right section. Sorry if it isn't.

Edit* might as well make a log out of it

33 y/o
168 lbs at 16% BF

Ostarine at 20mg ed. Going to run a 6 week cycle.
Creatine hcl
Fish oil

My workouts are 5-6 days a week. Crossfit and jiu Jitsu are my go tos with isolation now in the process.

Squat- 295
Deadlift- 365

Looking to drop 2-3% while maintaining what I currently have. Would not mind to gain a lb or 2 of lean mass and some strength in the process. Diet is decent but usually hitting 2,500 cals with protein at 130-140. Have had issues with my left shoulder and a on and off sprained LCL. Looking forward to the healing properties as well.

I've checked my test levels yearly since 2013. Test serum has been between 420-490. LH in the 6 range and FSH in the 2.4-2.7 range. Just waiting on the labs I took today. Should get them by tomorrow in the AM.
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Either way immediate blood test was the best you could do :) Always best to get them done earlier than you did but what you've got now is WAY better than nothing. So.....good job on getting the bw anyway. Orals are especially fast acting but just look at your numbers when ya get them back.....also, post them up here. I have no ostarine experience so maybe someone will chime in for ya.
Good luck bro

Edit: what are your stats btw? Would like to hear what your experience is like with this ostarine. Please get back to us on how ya like it
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Day 2
Dosing 20mg at 2pm everyday

Cleans. KB swings. Burpees. Goblet squats. Same routine nothing new. I suppose it has not kicked in yet.
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Day 3

Still really havnt felt anything different in the gym yet. Did shoulders and a little cardio after. Same pump and vascularity.
Got my lab values today. Did the range for test change?

Test serum - 438 in a 264-916 range
LH - 5.4 in a 1.7-8.6 range
FSH - 2.6 in a 1.5-12.4
Estradiol - 24.0 in a 7.6-42.6 range

Any input or comments appreciated
Day 4 and really have not felt anything.

Worked on chest and had a little jiu Jitsu for breakfast. Hoping to feel something soon
Most people take a week or so for the effects to fully kick in. Some lucky people feel it much faster, jealous of them.

You should be fine with those labs as your baseline. There would have been next to no change in the numbers from just one dose.
I'm sorry I have not kept up. Today marks

Day 7

Actually felt a good tricep work out. My triceps were really pumped and dense. Had a kettle bell interval workout as well and felt really good during the workout. Maybe it's the osta or maybe the added carbs. Scale is the same. Looking forward to my next workout.

My libido has increased. Killed a workout that had 4 rounds of cleans goblet squats KBS and tire flips. Decided to finish it with biceps. Every set I would do for biceps would actually feel a painful pump. Maybe it's starting to kick in? my boys actually look a little more plump. Don't know if that's a thing as well lol