Bathroom body fat % scales


beastin on twerps
In your opinion and experience how accurate are at home bathroom scales on body fat %? I have a new one that sents electrical signal and I was very dissappointed to read 22% wondering if they are reliable machines.
Not reliable at all bro. Im guessing its the one with sensors on your feet?

I have one and it says im at 27% BF....then I go to the gym and it says 15% on the one you hold by hand.
Yea I have one and it's a piece of shit!! It tells me I'm at 15% when I'm like 10%. You're better off posting pics and letting guys on here do it by eye than wasting your money on one of those little fucks
Ok great news thought I was a little less that 22 % I will post pics up soon. Yet bad news that I bought the scale.
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