I am taking a low 10mg a day dose of beast do yall think that would shut me down too much that would cause problems in sperm production if I am trying to have a baby?
I don't think there is any risk of birth defects if the male is on steroids, however, your chances will go down. I would personally just avoid steroid use if I was trying to conceive. While there's no "documented cases", the incidences of all kinds of strange disorders like autism and ADHD have all seemed to be increasing lately, and without any known cause.
If it were my future child, I wouldn't.
it will cause shutdown even at 10mg. sh!t, 5mg wil still do it. any anabolic would. but the pro's have GF's, wives, they have kids. So guys who are on 11 months out of 12, hit the gh hard do it.......
if it were me? id be on hcgenerate so my lidibo is wicked....than it will only be a matter of time til the baby will be coming. run your cycle than.
@1st guy--I gained 12 lbs on 10ed before with 250ed katanadrol and close to 20lbs on 20ed on my last cycle of course with some fat.
Anyways I'm just going to play it safe because I don't want to make it harder to get pregnant and take longer. Rather get it done with then run a strong cycle when I don't have to worry about it. HCgenrate best natural test boost that would help me? I've only been on 10ed beast for a few days now and stopped today.
ehh think im just going to use post cycle and unleashed.
I don't know if it would effect the baby...I mean they are a lot of people online that have made babies while they were on cycle but just to be extra safe I would say wait.
It's not going to effect my DNA so I wasn't concerned with adverse effects. What I was wondering was will it decrease the number of semen decreasing the chances of getting prego.
Anyways yeah i'm waiting...I'm hoping unleashed and hcgenerate along with the tiny bit of forma i have left will help out with conceiving faster so i can start a harsh cycle w/ no worries. I think I only took about 5 days 10mg of beast so i doubt i was shut down much if any.
Beastdrol does not aromatize to testerone therefor do not see how it could affect your testerone or sperm in any way,beastdrol is basically an oral form of masteron ,btw 10mg a day is way to low to achieve any results 30-40 at least a day .I've used and got nice lean gains, great product