strength = sides in most cases....that being said, if you run beastdrol, it being the strongest of all the designers and even stronger than most oral aas, be prepared for alot of sides, to the point of feeling like shit
you trade a general sense of well being for a crazy increase in strength and size
people who run superdrol without sides are few and far in between
i know a guy, aas experience, contest experience and so on....recently ran beast, and after 10days had a whole new level of respect for it....said it was the strongest thing he ever used, to the point it wasnt worth the sides in his opinion (he was always sick and felt awful, ate very little, but still gained 10lbs
something a little bit gentler would be epistane, gains vs sides, the best otc steroid imo....40mg for 5-6wks will get oyu those 10lbs with alot less sides.....rpn havoc is easily the best choice and best reputation, orbit has it too (i recently grabbed a bunch for fear of the ban, i use aas, and its the only ph id buy)
torem is the shit for pct...the board sponsor rui has a great deal on it, iv gone with other research sites, and my last pct was rui, and it was g2g (13wk test/var cycle)
like BBG said, torem + daa is a great post cycle therapy (pct), i used this for that above mentioned cycle and i 'felt' back 10days into pct....i felt good the whole time, and made pct easy
blood work was recently done and im certain the numbers will reflect the efficacy of that protocol
good luck in which ever way you go