Beastdrol cycle???? anygood??? please help.

hey guys im thinking about ordering beastdrol. is this stuff anygood? and if i order it im ordering 2 bottles,and take 40mgs/everyday for 6 weeks. has anybody used this stuff? its from orbit nutrition. main question i dont want to buy it and end up not gaining from it!!
hey guys im thinking about ordering beastdrol. is this stuff anygood? and if i order it im ordering 2 bottles,and take 40mgs/everyday for 6 weeks. has anybody used this stuff? its from orbit nutrition. main question i dont want to buy it and end up not gaining from it!!

or a 8week cycle of helladrol???? at 3pills a 75mgs?
calm the fuck down and stop posting so many topics.

do some fucking research then ask questions. no, research does not include looking at a retailer's site and finding compounds with descriptions from a company.
