Beastdrol starter pack + katanadrol v2.0


New member
Just got me the beastdrol starter pack as well as the katanadrol 2.0... My question is after I'm done with my cycle which includes
-liver support
-joint repair*
-forge PCT
-forma stanzol

Should I wait about 2 months to start with the katanadrol... Or should I just start it right after taking beastdrol and pct...And then maybe take 2 months off and buy some test booster... Any suggestions please

The katanadrol comes with*
-katanadrol v2.0
-forge burner
-forge pct
-forma stanzol
Just got me the beastdrol starter pack as well as the katanadrol 2.0... My question is after I'm done with my cycle which includes
-liver support
-joint repair*
-forge PCT
-forma stanzol

Should I wait about 2 months to start with the katanadrol... Or should I just start it right after taking beastdrol and pct...And then maybe take 2 months off and buy some test booster... Any suggestions please

The katanadrol comes with*
-katanadrol v2.0
-forge burner
-forge pct
-forma stanzol

Katana isn't methylated so some people stagger stack them. Have you ran cycles in the past? The beastdrol stack you got isn't enough unless you want to fuck your body up in my opinion. You need a test base. Test e or test c (which I assume you don't plan on running). Transderm or hcgenerate at the very least to keep your natty test up.
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Well to be honest I've been training for about 6 years this beastdrol start pack was my 1st cycle of anything I just completed week 4 today.. I went up 4.7 kilos.. And well I need to finish off with the post cycle therapy (pct) and forma stanzol that came with the pack...

So after yes it was my 1 cycle I did see results and I was wondering about how long should I wait to do the katanadrol... Or is there anything I need to add to my post cycle therapy (pct) after beastdrol..

Any advice would really help
i can't believe that you actually would run this stack without having a fucking clue at what you were doing man... shit... you are supposed to have all of this set up way before you do anything...

you don't even have a full post cycle therapy (pct) set up... you realize how hard beast can shut you down? you need to get unleashed asap and run it with your forged post cycle therapy (pct)... i would use a low dose of clomid as well but if you can't get any then at the very least you need to use forged and unleashed...

you can't just run katanadrol when your post cycle therapy (pct) is over either... time on = time off... you do 4 weeks of beast and 4 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) then thats 8 weeks until your next cycle...
Thanks dude for the help next time I'll be more prepared And have all the necessary stuff...

Just not sure how I will get the clomid or unleashed.. Since I'm here in costa rica lol, my friend from the states had to order me those other supps.. I'll ask him
i can't believe that you actually would run this stack without having a fucking clue at what you were doing man... shit... you are supposed to have all of this set up way before you do anything...

you don't even have a full post cycle therapy (pct) set up... you realize how hard beast can shut you down? you need to get unleashed asap and run it with your forged post cycle therapy (pct)... i would use a low dose of clomid as well but if you can't get any then at the very least you need to use forged and unleashed...

you can't just run katanadrol when your post cycle therapy (pct) is over either... time on = time off... you do 4 weeks of beast and 4 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) then thats 8 weeks until your next cycle...

Not again? Hopefully your next time you will still have nuts to protect!
Yeah should have done more research, all because I did what my friend said and listened :/ I just started today my pct and I think I can get ahold of clomid, just Not that unleashed.. So i think I'm still in time