
Beastdrol IS methyl-masteron so why wounldent it work?
yes its a great product.
yes it will put on gains (with decent diet and trainning ofcourse)
Yes it is a steroid
yes it is liver toxic so i woud not rec going passed 8 weeks or about 40mg (i rec 20-30mg ed for 4-6 weeks for most)
Yes I have used it myself and love it. I still got a bottle saved for maybe fall or mid summer depending on a few things.

It is a very good product and your not going to find much bad on it.
its a clone of superdrol
here is info you should read: Methasterone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

good luck

also i hope you knwo what pct is if this is your first time into this stuff.
I also DONT rec oral only cycles BTW.
if you dont know why keep researhign testosterone and the roles it plays on health and mind/mood because thats what your shutting down when using oral only cycles.
Im 3 1/2 weeks in with my beast cycle and I've put on 17lbs of decent lean muscle. Its definatly a dry gain which is good by me.

Ive done 30mg daily from the start, I've had some rough patches with sleep and feeling tired, but there are some gains to be had if your up to dealing with the sides.

I'll be using Novelex 40,40,20,20 maybe 10mg for one more week if the wood has'nt returned in good order.