Beastmaster is officially back "on"


New member
As some of you may know I have been going hard "natty" for some time an haven't cycle in around 3 years. An injury and work schedule kept me on the sideline for a few years. When I came off I was eating 4500 calories a day. I was 273 lbs at around 273lbs. Even though I wasn't training my body was trained to eat like a son of a bitch and that's exactly what I kept doing. I lost a lot of size and became a fatass all at the same time. Up until 7 months ago I missed bodybuilding being a part of my life and I missed the overall well being I felt being in shape and strong as a gorilla so I got back in the gym. I started watching what I ate and slowly got back into weight training. First day back in the gym I hit chest. My strength and endurance was terrible. I got 135 on the bench press for 8 reps lol. It was bad and my ego was hurting big time. I in 2 months I lost 20lbs and was slowly gaining strength back and it felt great. By 4 months I was ripping 225 on the bench for sets and squating 225 for reps. At 5 months is when I really started to diet down and got to where I currently am now at 238 lbs. currently benching 275 for sets and squating 375 for sets.(legs were never my strong point) I have a love hate relationship with the training I have been doing and my physique at this point. Te gains I made in the first 5 months were great but after coming down that much in weight and dieting pretty hard I couldn't take it any longer. It's winter time and I needed to eat and live a little again so I decided I am going to run my welcome back cycle now but do a body recomp. I will be doing a pretty basic cycle to get back into the swing of things. Cycle info will be listed below. I will be eating 3000 calories a day and doing cardio twice a week at minimum. I have been doing a thousand calorie deficit the last 8 weeks until last week I started eating 3000 calls and upped my carbs(thank god). I also started taking creating 2 weeks ago and my weight shot up about 6lbs and my strength is increasing again and I am much fuller then I was while dieting. I hope you follow along with my progression and feel free to chime in at any time or critique.

So here's the cycle layout:
Test C wk1-14 @ 600 mg/wk pin 300mg Tuesday and 300mg Friday
Dbol (wk3-6) @40mg/day
HCG 10 day blast @ 500i.u. Day ending 4 days before start of pct.

I like throwing the Dbol this way for the reason that by week 6 the test is starting to work its magic. Maybe dumb but just something I like doing and don't see a problem with it but am open to hearing advice if its a bad idea.
Arimidex: .5mg eod for cycle duration

Clomid: 50/50/50/25 (start 14 days after last pin)
Nolva: 40/40/20/20 also start 14 days after last pin

Will be having blood work day half way through cycle and post cycle . Was going to do bloods before cycle started but didn't(stupid) also will be taking liv 52 for liver support and possibly NAC. Hope I didn't miss anything. Well if I did I'm sure you all will point it out. Thanks for looking! Time for BeastMaster to get back to beast mode! ;)
Oh yea. Earlier this evening I pinned 300 mg of Watson Pharm grade test into my right quad and it felt great!
I will take before pics and post progression pics if I can figure put how to edit them.

Here is a little cycle history.

Sustanon( 12 weeks @500mg/wk)

Sust/dbol (12 weeks 500 mg Sustanon (sust) 30mg dbol/day)

Test c 600mg/wk
Deca 400mg/wk
Dbol 40 mg/day

Test P: 150mg e3d 8 weeks
Tren A: 75mg eod 6 weeks

Never hit any high doses and always responded great to AAS and was young so never felt the news to run high doses. As my wife is pregnant with our 3rd child I am not sure how that is going to affect my opinion on the matter but time will tell. Just trying o crawl before I walk.. Or run lol
Thanks smittiot appreciate it bro! Really excited to be back in the swing of things.
Pinned 300 mg of test c last night in my right quad. Thought I wa gonna be feeling some pip today but nada. Nice and smooth. Might actually train legs tonight. Having been dieting on a carb restricted diet I am already feeling the benefits of eating more and having them carbs in me. Just an overall better sense of well being and definitely a fuller look.
Didn't get your age and who's gear you're running?

Sorry. 27 years old. Starting with some Watson Pham grade test I had laying around here once I use it up I will be switching to PSL and PSL dbol. Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and pct are coming from RUI
Didn't want to come in here since Beastmaster doesn't share gear well with others (:p) but looking like a sick cycle brother. Have fun with it and keep this updated. Am excited to see your progress!
Didn't want to come in here since Beastmaster doesn't share gear well with others (:p) but looking like a sick cycle brother. Have fun with it and keep this updated. Am excited to see your progress!

Haha man I'm gonna have to make an exception to the rule or you big Dre! Thanks for checking in brother
Well, gonna write down some of my training. Although coming off a diet I was still doing pllenty of compound lifts using some pretty heavy weight. My on cycle and off cycle training varies from on cycle and what compound I am running to a certain extent. Off cycle i train heavier with alot less volume. My training split will look like this:

Day1: legs
Day2: chest
Day3: back
Day4: rest
Day5: shoulders
Day6: arms
Day7: rest

Taking into consideration the compounds I am using and the body recomp I am doing I will be starting my training like this:

High reps moderate sets and weight. I like doing this leading up to a cycle or beginning a cycle to prepare my joints and tendons for what is in store over the next few months.
Every movement I am aiming to hit 12+ reps and will continue this until I throw the dianabol in the mix. At this point I will significantly increase weight and sets are still moderate. I judge my number of sets around what body part I am training and the movements being performed. Sounds crazy but some muscle groups for me personally respond differently to different types of training. Or the 4 weeks I am running the dbol I will focus on heavy compound movements and will be aiming for 6-10 reps on every movement and the volume will be significantly lower by not doing nearly as many movements but primarily focusing on moving heavier weights.

The week of coming off the dbol is week 7. At this point having gains a significant increase in strength combine with the fact that the testosterone will be in full swing and working its magic I will not focus so much on weight and my target reps are going to be in between 8-12 reps and the volume of my workouts will increase by a combination of doing more sets and in some instances performing more movements per body part. I also will be doing plenty of drop sets and supersets as I am a firm believer in them both while on cycle. Also on a side note I never like doing the same workout for more then 2 weeks back to back. Wether it switching the rotation of movements or swapping out movement or pre exhausting then finishing with compound movements. As you can see I'm also a firm believer in switching things up(muscle confusion) Just want anyone who may read this to keep in mind that this is the way I like to train
And gives me great results and is not a rule of thumb for everyone so don't tell me this is Wong or that is wrong I don't want to hear it. Everyone is different and respond differently to different training methods. Perfect example is watch Kai Greene train then watch branch warren. Completely different methods and styles, but obviously they are both doing something right that works or them.

I hope this wasn't a cluttered mess and everyone understand the shit I wrote lol. If not feel free to ask ?'s if you'd like. I will in the future be doing pretty detailed examples of my regimine when the ball gets rolling.
Going to be training legs tonight and here is what my regimine will look like.
Sets. Reps
Squats 4. 12-20
Leg press. 3. 12-20
Leg Ext. 3. 15-25
Leg curls. 3. 15-25
Seated calves. 4. 15-25
As you can see to hit these numbers of reps I will have to significantly lower the weights. Main goal is to get a good squeeZe on every rep and really fill the muscle with blood. I have jumped back on creatine mono and noticed my last few workout my pumps have been getting more and more noticeable so with tonight's regimine the pumps should be real intense.
Got some extra time on my hands today so I'm going to give an example of what a daily meal plan looks like for me or the most part:

Meal 1: 1/2 cup grits
6 egg whites w/ 2 whole eggs
1/2 cup of fat free mozzarella cheese

Meal 2:
8 ounces chicken breast
2 medium sized red potatoes

Meal 3:
1/2 cup blueberries
1 banana
6 ounces chicken breast
Wash it down with diet Green tea

Meal 4( post workout)
10g creatine mono shake mixed with Gatorade
1 cup fat free low sugar plain yogurt w/
50 grams whey protein mixed in yogurt.

Meal 5:
8 ounces chicken breast
1 cup rice
1 cup mixed veggies
Meal 6:
4-6 ounces of ground turkey w/ 1/2 cup rice

Try to drink a gallon plus water a day. I do use crystal light and diet green tea throught the day with meals mostly.
2nd pin went smooth as silk again. Pinned another 300 mg into my left quad. Gonna train arms tonight. Scheduled to do arms tomorrow but due to a busy schedule this weekend going to hit em tonight.
Had a badass leg day yesterday. My legs are killing me today. Did a crazy drop set last set if squats that just did me in
Quick updat as the week is coming to an end. Everything is going great so far, not experience any positive or negatives yet as its still early in the cycle. I weighed in @ 245 today, up a few lbs but I am coming off keying hard for a while and have been using creatine so I'm sure I'm holding plenty of water. I will be cutting the creatine next week. Also haven't been doing any cardio but going to get at it this week. I have been having some pain in my elbows lately that I will be paying attention to, doesn't seem like anything seroius but will be paying close attention.
Well absolutely killed legs today. It's safe to say I'm not going to be walking or taking a shit comfortably for about a week lol. Also had a little mishap that I hav never experienced before while in the gym. Did a huge drop set to failure doing squats. Went down to the last set of the drop and well... The lights went out! Passed out for a brief second. Don't remember even doing it but I fell forward into the rack(thank god) and boom instantly came back to and saw spots for about a minute or so.

Today's I changed things up and it was intense. Went like this:

Exercise: Sets: Reps
Leg ext. superset w/ with leg curls. 5. 12-15
hack squats superset w/ stiff leg deads 3. 10-15
Squats(deep as Fawwkk): did 1 big ass drop set. Started with 6 25 lb plates on each side. Went to failure on each set. Each drop consisted of pulling the 25's one at a time. On the beginning of the last set of 25's is when the light went out. Kind of embarrassing but fuck it lol.

Then did a nice long set of lunges with 95 lbs straight bar.

Finished off with some calve raises. 4 sets with 1 drop set..

Really really enjoyed today's workout. Definitely gonna grow from this 1.

As far as the cycle is going everything is smooth right now. So far I have injected quads, right glute, and left delt with little to no pip or mishaps whatsoever. I did noticed my delt had a bit more pain during the injection an shortly after then other areas I mentioned but nothing crazy it went away after I took a hot shower for the most part. Injected using a 25 1" and the ass cheek I used a 23 1 1/2". Oh we'll tomorrow I am going to superset chest and back if I'm not to crippled.
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313 views with comments I can count on one hand. I feel like I'm all alone in this bitch talking to my damn self LOL. Thanks fawkers!
This can be a lonely board at times. People are viewing it though and I see your updates almost daily, just don't always have something to say.
This can be a lonely board at times. People are viewing it though and I see your updates almost daily, just don't always have something to say.

It's all good smittiot, was a little bore the other night and was just poking some fun. Thanks for the reply bro