Maintenance Man
Sounds crazy fellas but I been contemplating either one of two things when this cycle is up. 1. Doing oct then taking some time off fully recover then blast and cruise for a bit or 2. Pct recover and do a lengthy cycle.
Was thinking maybe going on for 6 months. Test/npp for 12 weeks Then test tren the last 12 weeks.. Idk about runnin them 19nors that long without taking a break in recovering between them.
Nice log dude. I like to see those gains keep coming and coming!! Sucks with the groin but you're being smart about it, not pushing it. So the Dbol run went well I suppose lol. Sounds like you loved it
Idk about the blast and cruise but a lengthier cycles are certainly doable. Id probably stick to those until you're ready to make it a lifestyle, no? I plan on at least 14 weeks for my upcoming cycle. Prolly more like 16 tho. Then go with a more aggressive 6 week PCT.
Keep the updates coming. I'm salivating at all my PSL gear, waiting for the perfect time lol