I like how you emphasize legs. Legs are where it's at bro! If I could I'd train them every day. Nothing beats the shakey walk after you've pounded your wheels.
313 views with comments I can count on one hand. I feel like I'm all alone in this bitch talking to my damn self LOL. Thanks fawkers!
lol well at least you've got personal record of your cycle and workouts. good on ya for taking the time to post and keep up the good work.
Many thanks for starting this not many do and you can get some real good info out of it.. I am running the same cycle as u apart from the dbol but just test c at 600..
I am interested to know why you run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at the end and not all the way thro?? this seems to have some conflicting info on here and else where as how to run.. all the way thro or a ten day at the end.. I have planned a ten day at the end as well but I have noticed some shrink already and am now thinking to run 500 2x per wk?? what do you think???
Also your meals i'm guessing the more splits or times u eat the less to over fill thus keeping a flatter stomach???
I'm not to lifting but haven't been for over 5 yrs and now bk on it and in my second year..
Man I hope that groin problem works out. I know it sucks to miss a workout but better to be safe so you don't miss weeks instead of days.