Beef Jerky & smoked fish


New member
Hiya folks!

I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any beef jerky online without much sugar/salt/sodium. Same thing with smoked fish.


I am looking to purchase some for a snack here and there. Also thought this would be a good idea. :-P

I make it myself, venison jerky, salmon jerky and beef jerky--that way I know what's in it and I can make it less salty.
go find a butcher in your area, some can make jerky for you, mine is really good at it, can make it to my specifications and delicious
huskyguy said:
I make it myself, venison jerky, salmon jerky and beef jerky--that way I know what's in it and I can make it less salty.
Same here. It always tastes much better than the store bought stuff too. :)