been cooking


New member
made tren e @ 250mg/ml

test e @ 400mg/ml
Eq @ 500mg/ml

Both the test and the eq were made using a 2/20% mix, i used half grapeseed oil and half EO

Started my cycle today so did the first shot of all 3, so far no pain
Oh nice use of the EO. Its really catching on. Im sticking to oils for now but if I ever dare to make up some short esters or NE's, 17aa's for injection again - ill try EO.

The test @ 400mg/ml might have a little bite to it.

Is it thick?
do you use anything for the grapeseed oil doesn't it smell after some time
here alot about it was just wondering
DougoeFre5h said:
Oh nice use of the EO. Its really catching on. Im sticking to oils for now but if I ever dare to make up some short esters or NE's, 17aa's for injection again - ill try EO.

The test @ 400mg/ml might have a little bite to it.

Is it thick?

their is very little diffrence in thickness between my test e @250 to my 400mg/ml, i think the EO does a very good job. As for pain i did my first injection 2 days ago(wednesday) of 1ml eq 500mg/ml 1ml test e 400mg/ml and 1ml tren e 250mg/ml, put the 3ml into my arse and touch wood have had no pain at all, got the poxy test flu now tho so feel like shit.

with regards to the grapeseed i have been using it for a while now and think it is prob the best oil to use, very thin and also healthy, as to smell i havent noticed anything.