Gear Flu & Inflamation Due to Stronger Test


New member
I've been on 650mg (325mg 2x per week) of test E for the past several months with zero issues. Some of the best, cleanest test I've personally experienced. I had been using a 250mg/ml test e, but stepped it up to a 400mg/ml after my last vial because because the price was far better per mg. Same source and same lab.

I'm staying at 650mg per week, so that just means I inject .8ml vs 1.3ml at a time. In spite of staying at the same dosage, this higher concentration gave me a wicked case of gear flu for 2+ days in addition to significant redness & swelling at the injection site.

As those who have had gear flu know, it's basically impossible to work out or eat normally when you feel this way.

How can I avoid this going forward? Should I split up my dosages in to 3 shots per week instead of 2? Should I try splitting up each injection in to different areas of my body (leg, thigh, etc) so that one area isn't getting such a high concentration? Or should I just lower my overall dosage until I'm used to it, which I'm hesitant to do because I've been getting excellent results @ 650mg per week?

I know that my body will get used to it eventually, but I think it would be counterproductive to keep doing the same thing if it keeps me out of the gym and prevents me from eating.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I've been on 650mg (325mg 2x per week) of test E for the past several months with zero issues. Some of the best, cleanest test I've personally experienced. I had been using a 250mg/ml test e, but stepped it up to a 400mg/ml after my last vial because because the price was far better per mg. Same source and same lab.

I'm staying at 650mg per week, so that just means I inject .8ml vs 1.3ml at a time. In spite of staying at the same dosage, this higher concentration gave me a wicked case of gear flu for 2+ days in addition to significant redness & swelling at the injection site.

As those who have had gear flu know, it's basically impossible to work out or eat normally when you feel this way.

How can I avoid this going forward? Should I split up my dosages in to 3 shots per week instead of 2? Should I try splitting up each injection in to different areas of my body (leg, thigh, etc) so that one area isn't getting such a high concentration? Or should I just lower my overall dosage until I'm used to it, which I'm hesitant to do because I've been getting excellent results @ 650mg per week?

I know that my body will get used to it eventually, but I think it would be counterproductive to keep doing the same thing if it keeps me out of the gym and prevents me from eating.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

pip derives mostly from the quality of your gear.
Like I said, same lab, same source, same dosage that I have been using for months with zero issues. The only difference is concentration of the dosage. The lab is one of the biggest and most reliable in UG anabolics.

I also should note that I experienced these EXACT symptoms previously years before with some test that was massively overdosed (meaning the label said 250mg/ml while the actual test content was around 375m/ml).

So given these circumstances, I HIGHLY doubt its about quality.
I'm not sure exactly but I have began to think of stronger/more potent/higher mg per mL causes things like more potentent alcohol.

There is more mg of the substance in the mL and I believe there will be more effects in our body. It's a higher concentration. Example of the comparison being the effects of people who usually drinking beer (bud light) having side effects and other problems from drinking very potent beer and even mixed drinks or shots. Some people develop red and itchy skin and shit. Somehow get wasted on Bud Light but cant drink high potency alcoholic drinks or beer.

The bodies reactions to more potent substances I guess, I think, but don't "know" and cant prove.
The thing that's so weird about it is that I have been on the exact same dosage for several months with no issues. The only difference is the higher concentration of this current Test E.

Going in for my second shot of the week this evening. Going to spread my usual .8ml injection in to two .4ml shots over 2 consecutive days and see if that makes a difference. Hoping for an improvement as I can't stand feeling like I did earlier this week.

Will report back with my results.
I'm not sure exactly but I have began to think of stronger/more potent/higher mg per mL causes things like more potentent alcohol.

There is more mg of the substance in the mL and I believe there will be more effects in our body. It's a higher concentration. Example of the comparison being the effects of people who usually drinking beer (bud light) having side effects and other problems from drinking very potent beer and even mixed drinks or shots. Some people develop red and itchy skin and shit. Somehow get wasted on Bud Light but cant drink high potency alcoholic drinks or beer.

The bodies reactions to more potent substances I guess, I think, but don't "know" and cant prove.

Based on my experience, I agree. In fact, I would postulate that potency/concentration is a larger factor in gear flu, PIP, and other more immediate sides than overall dosage.
Reporting back! I thought I had found the magic bullet by splitting the dose in 2 over 2 days, but it turned out to just delay the inevitable. After the first .4 shot, everything was normal even 36 hours later. So I had no qualms about pushing the other .4ml on Sunday night. I woke up this morning literally drenched in sweat to the point it was a struggle to get my shirt off. It felt like it had just come out of the washing machine lol

Spent the rest of the day struggling to accomplish even basic tasks as I was exhausted with a sore body and a headache. I tried to push through and go workout tonight, but it was a total failure. I walked a quarter mile on the treadmill and came off totally fatigued and drenched in sweat.

On the plus side, the PIP was significantly less using this method. Also, the symptoms don't seem to be hanging on quite as long.

I really hope my body adjusts quickly because I can't stand missing workout and not being able to eat. Im actually scared to look at the scale after this week cause I've just had zero appetite, which is totally unlike me.
The thing that's so weird about it is that I have been on the exact same dosage for several months with no issues. The only difference is the higher concentration of this current Test E.

Going in for my second shot of the week this evening. Going to spread my usual .8ml injection in to two .4ml shots over 2 consecutive days and see if that makes a difference. Hoping for an improvement as I can't stand feeling like I did earlier this week.

Will report back with my results.

If it's the same dosage but different injections thats not a good sign then. Possible infection or something else causing bodily effects.
Reporting back! I thought I had found the magic bullet by splitting the dose in 2 over 2 days, but it turned out to just delay the inevitable. After the first .4 shot, everything was normal even 36 hours later. So I had no qualms about pushing the other .4ml on Sunday night. I woke up this morning literally drenched in sweat to the point it was a struggle to get my shirt off. It felt like it had just come out of the washing machine lol

Spent the rest of the day struggling to accomplish even basic tasks as I was exhausted with a sore body and a headache. I tried to push through and go workout tonight, but it was a total failure. I walked a quarter mile on the treadmill and came off totally fatigued and drenched in sweat.

On the plus side, the PIP was significantly less using this method. Also, the symptoms don't seem to be hanging on quite as long.

I really hope my body adjusts quickly because I can't stand missing workout and not being able to eat. Im actually scared to look at the scale after this week cause I've just had zero appetite, which is totally unlike me.

retreat and regroup.
If it's the same dosage but different injections thats not a good sign then. Possible infection or something else causing bodily effects.

Given my situation, I've been doing quite a bit of research on this phenomenon and it's actually VERY common for things like T400 or anything else dosed at over 350mg/ml to cause these symptoms. It's not at all about the quality of gear, it's the concentration.

Some on another forum compared the PIP to "being kicked by a donkey" or "a bullet wound". Another jokingly said he "thought he contracted HIV" lol.

The solution for those doing cycles is to blend your injection with whatever other anabolics are in your stack and, by diluting the concentration of the test, it causes the symptoms to disappear.

Additionally, almost everyone's symptoms decrease over time as your body gets used to the higher concentration.

This is all small consolation to me as I'm solely doing test e along with Peptides (ipam + mod-grf) for this cycle and really don't want to add any additional AAS.

My best option at this point is to find some sterile oil (aka BAC oil) and dilute my injections.

UPDATE: Ordered some sterile filtered grape seed oil from a research lab supply site and will use it to dilute the concentration. Pretty confident this should be the end of my issues.

My theory behind the extreme PIP and sickness caused by ultra strong gear is that the closer you push an oil to its saturation point with Test, the harder it is for your body to absorb. This leads to increased inflammation as seen in severe PIP and also can push your body in to an autoimmune response resulting in flu-like symptoms.
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Keep posting about it and your experience fo sho! I agree that the higher concentrations have their pain and issues.

Again keep posting and I'll add rep points. I rep for logs!

I am absolutely stoked to let you guys know that I have not had a single negative side effect since diluting my 400mg Test E with sterile filtered grape seed oil. Zero PIP or flu-like symptoms. All my lifts up are up substantially and I've gained back all of the weight (5 lbs) that I lost while sick from initial injections and am currently up several pounds from what I weighed when I started this gear.

I think this backs up my assertion that the extreme PIP and flu like symptoms were the direct result of highly concentrated gear (~350mg and up) being hard for your body to absorb and thus inducing immunological responses. The second I diluted the original gear in sterile grape seed oil, the symptoms totally disappeared even at the same overall dosage (325 mg 2x per week).

Some in this thread indicated that they thought these symptoms were indicative of bad quality gear. I never believed that as I had been using the same brand and overall dosage with zero side effect for months previously. The only difference was the overall strength of the gear, 400mg/ml vs 250mg/ml. If the gear was bad, I would've been experiencing these symptoms at that dosage regardless of the strength.

I am happy to discover that I don't need to trash this gear as had been suggested. I hope my experience with this issue can help others in the future. If you experience either extreme PIP or flu symptoms after injecting stronger gear, I encourage you to either dilute that particular injection with other oils in your cycle or have some sterile grape or cotton seed oil on hand.

Drink 40% alcohol ...taste yummy.... Drink 95% alcohol, you will burn the shit out of your mouth...Same principle.