been on tnt and test for about a year and a half . having erection issues ,,,,,,


New member
hi ive been on tnt for about a year then stopped without pcts,,, I know this is wrong but nonetheless its done ,,, my erections were infrequent and I boosted with Cialis,, worked great and no issues. ive recently started , three weeks in now , a novice 2 cycle with 500ml a week of test enanthate 200 deca and 30mg anavar . now,, barely any erections at all . im 45 and want to bring my test back up and have read a lot about stayin on test at around 300 per week as trt . is this good advice or is it still possible to run this cycle , dropping the deca and anavar and go onto pcts after my cycle ? any advice would be great , I have an issue losing body fat and was hoping doing a few cycles would help me with this as after a motorcycle accident I was left with a lot of added weight, a lot !
thanks again , :)
AAS is not a diet drug. It's a means to reach pinnacles in muscle and sports gains that you couldn't reach naturally! Diet and cardio and some AAS is a tool to help you achieve this weight loss goal but don't let yourself think AAS will do it alone . You will only end up disappointed and frustrated. I'm a big guy myself, over 250lbs , but my goals are different! I want to be rediqulously muscularly freaky. Think Marcus ruhl!!!!your test should be kicking in about now as well!
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hi ive been on tnt for about a year then stopped without pcts,,, I know this is wrong but nonetheless its done ,,, my erections were infrequent and I boosted with Cialis,, worked great and no issues. ive recently started , three weeks in now , a novice 2 cycle with 500ml a week of test enanthate 200 deca and 30mg anavar . now,, barely any erections at all . im 45 and want to bring my test back up and have read a lot about stayin on test at around 300 per week as trt . is this good advice or is it still possible to run this cycle , dropping the deca and anavar and go onto pcts after my cycle ? any advice would be great , I have an issue losing body fat and was hoping doing a few cycles would help me with this as after a motorcycle accident I was left with a lot of added weight, a lot !
thanks again , :)

And what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) are you using with all these anabolics? Boner problems can be caused by a number of things, elevated estrogen being one of them. You're also WAY overdue for both a blood test and a blood donation. 1.5 years on AAS means you're probably LOADED with red blood cells, making your blood very thick. Need to be responsible with this stuff man, otherwise you're setting yourself up for some problems down the road that are far worse than just failing to achieve an erection on demand.

My .02c :)
I've been thinking too, what's your blood pressure like? At 45 you have to start thinking of the heart! Erection problems could be an early sign of blocked arteries! It's like the canaries in the mine shafts they used to use to detect deadly gasses! The canary died you got the fuck outa there! The erection disfuction is our canary !!! Get your heart checked out do a cardio stress test!