Before and After Sustanon (sust) 10wk.


New member
Before and After sust 10wk.

Heres the before and after
before 145lb

During last week 172lb (water weight mostly)

After 159lb

although its been 4 weeks now and im just getting clomid and nolva...

I can see im loosing my forearms and some bict... im hoping that even tho starting pct a week late i can keep gains??!?
Looking good looks like you made some good gains. what dosage were you taking??

best advice i can offer is next time make sure you have "EVERYTHING" you need before starting your cycle.
Big difference before and after. Gotta love the juice. No harm intended, but are you sure you were training serious enough before you hit the gear? I'm a believer that in most cases you should get close to your peak natty before you go on, that will help you keep the gains, although I did my last cycle just to get back in shape quickly. You might see if you can get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for your post cycle. Welcome to the board, and good luck.
Ya I was stuck at 145 for as long as I could remember no matter what i did. I was taking 500mg weeks, 250mg mon and 250 thurs while eating like crazy. Now tho it seems like im loosing gains fast i still havent recived my clomid and its week 4 pct..... but those pics were taken 5 days ago so maybe im aiight and just thinking im getting smaller. lol
finally i got my clomid... im hoping to keep my gains i have left. its been.. 35 days since last shot... im going to be prepared next cycle. ;) Ill work on the pecs def. i cant get the shape i want tho i think its my genetics
everyone talks about genetics, thats bullshit look at early pics of Yates hewas a fucken stick.
Not sure how old you are but you have made some good gains..... train smart eat rest and grow..I,d wait before doing another cycle...
Im 23yr . ya im gonna work on new chest routines.... i have just been doin flat bench, incline bench, decline bench, and fly machine..... I shoulda hit the cables or free weights for chest too. Pecs are big just want to define them. 70w30 how long should I wait till next cycle... i was thinkin 4 months off... but should i train more then cycle... what about cutt now since spring break is coming and then bulk again? Just cuz i want to get bulk but be cutt.. or is it a catch 22.
do dumbell press as your main chest workout. i did that for 10 weeks and now my chest overpowers my arms on bench. i got to 130s each hand db press and maxing 275 on bench.
looks good dude. i would hit the traps a bit more and upper chest. if you put more size on those parts you look alot bigger in no time at all. arms to but try to keep everything balanced out as much as possible so stick to the first parts more. keep up the good work.
if you decide to do Sustanon (sust) again make sure you inject 3 times a week not are missing the short acting ester by only doing twice a week