Before you ask "how about this for a first cyle" read this


Community Veteran
When you ask "what should I take for my cycle?" you are going to get the same answer from all of us no matter how many "buts" you throw at us. Their are very simple reasons why test is recommended for a first cycle so i am not going to bore you with anything complicated.

THE MAIN REASON I recommend test as a first cycle is that it is, and should be the building block of all future cycles. So you better know how you react to it. You need to know if you are gyno prone, how much water you are going to retain, how much will it raise your blood pressure, you need to learn how to combat there problems, and how to take steps to eliminate them in the future.

Another reason you should not stack drugs the first time is that you are not going to know how you react to certain drugs, which one is producing the best gains, and which one is causing the sides. Here is an example, lets say for a first cycle you stack deca and test, you get gyno, how the hell do you know what is causing it. Some people will assume it is the test and run deca again, but this time they will be well prepared for gyno brought on from test, but guess what, it is the deca causing it. Now you have d cups and are making an appointment to have your tits cut out. Another example, Needsize says he doesn't make great gains off test, so he has limited his test doses while using drugs he knows react well for him. How the hell is he going to know this if his first cycle was pot luck of different drugs.

And goddammit test is not a dirty word, for some reason alot of guys in the gym are afraid of test, it is a strong androgen, but the sides are very easily controlled for all but a few with a few simple drugs.

Maybe not the most important from a bodybuilding standpoint, but remember, if you take any steroids, you are going to shut your natural test production down, this can lead to impotence, and deca and tren are not the only ones that can cause this, any drug can, when not accompanied by test. Deca and tren are just the biggest offenders.
before u ask

jcp2 very nice post im learning a lot here. im 40 years old 5'10 220 rights now bf is / decent shape i work hard in the gym and have for a while last august i was a little run donw and got sick. well after complaining to the doctor about a few things like tirednees and lack of libdo. he gave me delatestryl. at first he only gave me 100mg a week for the first 5ml or 1 bottle. he followed up with 250 a week i loved it i gained some serious muscle. and strength. dela is test en. i bloated a little but over all it was awesome. after a blood test he stopped it until january. i cant wait i know its hrt. but im gonna try something else with it to get cut up a little. any sugg?

test is the best

hardpr: can do what MOST bro's here your own cycle of TEST. It obviously did well for you at that dose........why NOT run a cycle of it????
test cycle

im listening drveejay. i am gonna get 250 a week for 12 weeks. so says the doctor. im wondering what else i should throw in with it to help me out. i have abottle of denkall oxandrovet. that a friend brought back from tj the label and bottle look good. cant confirm batch number because web site is not up dated.. toxa 013 if that helps out. will that be ok to throw in and if so when drveejay. thanks for any help
Ok I read this thread and sounds good, but I'm serious about restarting and taking TEST again. How do you find out if u are prone to gyno? I used test and I don't think i have gyno, my tits aren't nasty and big?
HardBody said:
Ok I read this thread and sounds good, but I'm serious about restarting and taking TEST again. How do you find out if u are prone to gyno? I used test and I don't think i have gyno, my tits aren't nasty and big?

Itchiness and puffyness around the breast area are early signs... nothing to cry over but its better to be on the safe side.
I got a friend who is on his first cycle. He went Test400 and loves it.

The more I here about test the more I wanna scratch what I originally have planned for my first cycle and do some of that.
ive taken test before and also sustonan 250....both reacted well...maybe i should try ot stack that with Winstrol (winny) or deca......whats u choice of the 2 and what differences can i expect....also while takin this should i take an estrogen blocker like there somethin at a health place that blocks estrogen or do u recommed i get somethin off the market or is there anyhing that works well
lamby20 said:
ive taken test before and also sustonan 250....both reacted well...maybe i should try ot stack that with Winstrol (winny) or deca......whats u choice of the 2 and what differences can i expect....also while takin this should i take an estrogen blocker like there somethin at a health place that blocks estrogen or do u recommed i get somethin off the market or is there anyhing that works well

You are WAY better off starting a new thread asking this, rather than asking here.
erm....sorry guys, this might seem a bit wierd, but i am a total newbie, and wanted to know the exact name of test, in my country steroids' slangs are unknown to the retailers, some of them cant even pronounce the name of the drug properly...