Beginner first cycle, any tips advice welcome, let's avit!!!

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Right lads starting my first cycle, been training 10 years now on and off, I'm 5 10 , 86kg 17 percent body fat, just thought I'd start this thread to give other 1st timers a look how I got on, my plan is to run test enanthate at 250mg pinned every 5 days which should give me around 320? I'm running it 10 weeks, will be running arimidex at 0.5 every 3 days alongside, hcg at week 5 hcg at week 10 and clomid nolvadex at weeks 12 to 16 any pointers would be great il be adding the all famous before and after pics when cycles finished
Might not be happy with the lower dose of test. Consider 250mg every 3.5 days (500 per week) and run 12 weeks. You'll be feeling great at 10 weeks and won't want to cut it off.
Thankyou for the advice, I've read a lot of different forums, and a few debates over is 250 enough for first cycle, the majority say 500 but some agreed maybe 250 first and 500 second, my reasoning behind the 320 was kind of midde of the mark, also do you think I should just purely go for mass on my first cycle, as I really would like to lean out aswell, is it possible do you think to go 6 weeks bulking up, then drop cals and cut for the last six? Or would you recommend maybe just bulk then doing a cutting cycle on my second? Appreciate your input and will run it for 12 weeks instead, maybe go with 500 second cycle?
Most wise people say ether bulk or cut. I am old and dumb, so I usually like to bulk the first half and then cut the other half (give or take). I am not trying to get huge, but just look good and muscular with around 10-12% body fat.
So, it depends on your goals. Either way, I stick with my opinion on the first reply
250mg/week is basically a replacement dose in that you will be close to normal TT levels. If you are going to take all the risk that comes with shutting your HPTA down you might as well get the benefits. Run. 500mg.

How old are you?
I'm 29, I believe I am only making 80 mg a week as I had blood tests done at the doctors, I had discussed with her about taking some aas she said that I was quite hi anyway, so if I'm only producing 80 a week now surely 320mg is going to be 4 times as much no? I wanted to start as low as possible as never really want to go over 750 total ever unless I was competing, I'm in this for the long run, my main goal is to be 200lbs at 8 percent body fat I'm hoping to gain a good lean 12lbs on this cycle, which would put me at my goal, is it a huge difference between 320 and 500 in terms of gains, or do you think I could attain it at what I proposed? I just want to see how my body reacts
I've been using gear awhile and i rarely go over 500mgs a week. Shut down is shut down. Whether its from a trt dose or a gram.
So tbonxl, are you saying that 500 is quite high? I mean I would like to start low as surely the body will build some sort of tolerance the juice, I'm going to run it at 320 for this cycle and see how I get on, I pinned my first shot Tuesday and last night I already felt better, I know people say two weeks with enanthate but it is definitely working already, was full of energy last night and just couldn't tire, muscle volume was more than usual aswell, il keep a diary of how things go and post it up when finished
Thanks mate I read that, good read pretty much what I'm running, just a slightly lower dose, I know 500 is the recommended but I'm daring to be different lol, I read a study on the difference between 300 and 500 and to be honest there wasn't that greater deal of difference, I think it was 1.2lb muscle difference if I remember rightly, liver values rose quite a bit more in the higher mg range though, I'm only gunning for 12 lbs if I haven't achieved this then lesson learnt, I just want to experiment and see if someone can gain just aswell at lower dose, I think the 500 thing is just an agreed norm but if you could point me to a scientific study that shows the difference I would be interested in reading, I'm going to save 500mg dosage for my second cycle in the winter, and really bulk for next summers cut, I should probs of started first cycle this winter but what the hell lol