BEGINNER - GHRP2, CJC 11295 w/o DAC and TB500 dosage


New member

My research rat has never used peptides (or any kind of gear) before.

My research rat is currently preparing for bulking, have not built any substantial mass yet (but have been cutting and reached a good range of leanness) - mass wise, way below my rat's genetic potential/ newbie mass gain.

I have been doing my research and was almost set on the following:

GHRP2: 100-150 mcg each time X two a day (first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and around 5pm)
CJC 1295 w/o DAC: 100-150 mcg each time X three times a day (first thing in the morning on an empty stomach with GHRP2, around 5pm with GHRP2 and before bed with Ipamorelin)
Ipamorelin: 150 mcg once at night before bed
TB-500: 5mcg per week for the first six weeks, then 5mcg per week thereafter.

I was about to pull the trigger and get a good 6 months supply as I was thinking about doing my research for that duration.

However, I have just read that beginners should start at a much lower dose as follows:

GHRP + GHRH (once per day): GHRP Product (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) at 100mcg once per day

CJC-1295 DAC at 600mcg a week( split into 200 mcg x 3 injections, so every second day)

I am not sure if I could post the link here, but that is what they recommend. This website appears to go into good depth into research liquids with extensive knowledge into that stuff.

What do you guys reckon?

Also, I have never come across the following info:

Say, I would decide to run this GHRP, GHRH for 6 months. How long is the duration I should stop before I start another cycle again?

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I was thinking about using the beginner's dosage as:
GHRP + GHRH once per day: (still have not decided if first thing in the morning or before bedtime (no food 1 hour before and followed by a protein/carb shake 20 min after the pin) at 100mcg each.
I was thinking about running this for 16 weeks before I start making the same protocol twice a day (first thing + before bedtime).

How does that sound?

I train in the pm, after work. What do you guys think for a single dosage per day? am or before bedtime?