Beginner need advice, easy test cycle and pct


New member
This is my first cycle here is my stats
Not sure but I guess around 12% bf
Goal is 165
8% bf
I have to eat around 4K cal. A day just to gain weight I have a very clean diet
I just found steroids . I did 100 mg test prop yesterday. I planned going 75 mg instead eod I understand the soarness and injecting eod vs other types that's not an issue for me I work threw soarness very well in fact about 60% of soarness from yesterday's shot is gone. I am looking for a quick cycle with low to medium gains. I don't want to gain much and want to avoid bad side effects especially gyno. I need suggestions on a cycle although I have done some research I still have no idea what I'm doing advice and criticism will be well received I am here to learn and to get a nice physique I'm not worried about being really strong or big bulk I just want to tighten up physique and gain 15 to 20 pounds I am already gaining without test because of the diet. If anyone could lay out some beginner cycles that are simple along with pct that would be great thx
Hey welcome :wavey:

Just as tbone told you. If you read all the sticky's this will give a good education and answer many of your Q's .

You will still have more Q's and we will help but you need to understand the what and the why. You need to be AWARE of all of the sides of high n low Estrogen. Look up Estrogen and Prolactin control.
Good luck
Welcome to the board i am new here my slef.

With your stats you not need to eat 4000k to gain weight. 3000k should be more than enough.

Not everyday i see guys doing prop on their first cycle. Not forget to rotate pinning sites (PIP) :D

You're kind of doing the whole cart before the horse thing here. You've already started pinning and now you're asking for a basic cycle? Like everyone said, read the stickies they will be a big help to you!! Since you've already started have you also started your AI? If not get one soon you can just click on the banner up above with the lion head. Most important thing you can do is read, read, read!!
The reason I say 4K is because I am so hyper active if I do less my body just runs threw it. And yeah I pinned myself first asked later I really didn't know what I was doing or what I needed to do I'm a recovering drug addict so my nature was just stick it in. Do I need to start Ai now or do I just start when I have symptoms thanks for the link I'll read up when I get off work.
I've been on 4K cal for almost 30 days missing the goal maybe once a week and I have gained about 5 to 7 lbs. I take in 150 to 200 grams protein daily sometimes I hit 300 but never below 150 not to get off topic just trying to give the most info so I can find what's best for me.
The reason I say 4K is because I am so hyper active if I do less my body just runs threw it. And yeah I pinned myself first asked later I really didn't know what I was doing or what I needed to do I'm a recovering drug addict so my nature was just stick it in. Do I need to start Ai now or do I just start when I have symptoms thanks for the link I'll read up when I get off work.

Yes you should start your AI now, it's easier to prevent symptoms form happening than it is to make them go away once they appear.
Ok what should I use how much me how often

9/10 week cycle only Test Enanthate
500 mg/week Test E (2 x 250 mg), 0.25 mg arimidex EOD (to block estrogen)
PCT x 4 weeks (start 2 weeks after last pin of Test): clomid 100 - 50 -50 -50 Nolva 40 - 40 - 20 - 20
Thanks will the test e cycle also work the same with test p because that's what I'm using

No Test Prop needs to pin every other day maximum, Test E is sufficient 2 pin a week!!
and PCT start time after test Prop is 3 days after last pin (not 2 weeks like test E)