Beginner Steroid Cycle - Thoughts and Feedback Please


New member
Hey guys,

I'm 20, going on 21. I am planning on doing a cycle in the next couple of months, I've done a lot of research about this, I am fully aware of the side effects, and I am aware, that I am not 25 and that I am a bit young. I've spent hours researching this and I do mean HOURS. I am not trying to be cocky, or ignorant, by ignoring the advice I have received about being too young from people far more experienced and older than I. I am aware of the side effects, and I'm fully prepared to accept the repercussions if this does go tits up.

I've come to this to get advice about my cycle and the safest way possible to carry it out. I know a lot of you will just comment "too young" or "see you when you come back saying help me". Again I've done the research, and I know what I am getting into. I could easily just create a new account and say I'm 30 and whatever, but I don't see the point in lying.

I am looking for genuine advice on my cycle, I have a source who can get it for me, who seems to know what he's talking about. Has a really good physique and said he started at 20. He's now 40, and doesn't have any major health problems that I am aware of. Definitely not on TRT.

Based on the sticky, I was gonna do the beginner cycle of just test e at 500mg for 12 weeks, and then run the pct, but he said that this wouldn't be much use. He said test e will take 4-5 weeks to get into system, and I can't start pct till 3 weeks after last pin. He said he wouldn't have advised this. What he suggested was the following:
week 1-12 Test Cyp or Test E. 250mg Sunday and Thursday. (500mg in total)
week 1-3 and 12-15 Test prop. 100mg Sunday Tuesday Friday (300mg)
week 1-15 Arimidex .25mg EOD (to help prevent gyno and that I may up it if I think I'm prone which is likely)
week 1-15 HCG 250iu twice a week (500iu to help prevent prolactin issues)
he also said something about proviron but I'll have to double check this with him. My goal is to put on mass, but don't want to get huge, I want to compete in a mens physique show next year, so I don't want a huge roid gut.

I am looking for genuine advice and am fully prepared to listen. I'm not going into this hot headed. I want to do this as safe as possible. I am planning on getting my bloods done before, the cycle, 3-4 weeks into cycle, and then 4 weeks after pct.

Training and nutrition I think I have a solid understanding of. I've been training a couple of years now, and I go 7 times a week for an hour to an hour and a half.

Height 5ft 9
weight 180lbs
bf 12%

Looking forward to hearing your advice guys, cheers