Beginners cycle! What ,when ,how and who?


New member
I'm a total beginner, I'm 35 ,6'5 ,300 ,..I'm working out and eating right but doesn't seem to be doing shit..No energy,no sex Drive, and little weight loss, no muscle or strength gains at all...wondering what a good beginner cycle would be to get started with. ? Thanks in advance
I'm a total beginner, I'm 35 ,6'5 ,300 ,..I'm working out and eating right but doesn't seem to be doing shit..No energy,no sex Drive, and little weight loss, no muscle or strength gains at all...wondering what a good beginner cycle would be to get started with. ? Thanks in advance
The most important W here is WHY? Why do you want to beef up this way?
and make sure to read up here

give us some info here, current diet, workout routine, etc.
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he's 6'5 and 300lbs..

likely at a pretty high bodyfat..

so i would say.. No, youre not working out right, and esp no, your not eating right my friend...
Well I guess I've read up a little and used to be able to lose weight just by running and working out and eating right.My current diet is fruit, 2 boiled eggs , water for bfast, small sandwich of some sorry and water for lunch, and chicken breast and salad for dinner...Workout 1hr and half m-t , 2 miles jogging on treadmill everyday.. usually rotate upper and lower body...I know I got a lot to learn ,but that's why I'm here,to get help from you guys who know wth your talking about..Thanks
it sounds like youre eating less than the caloric intake as my 105lb female clients do to cut weight.. of course your body is going to want to stall..

you need to either do alot of research on nutrition and set up your diet correctly or consider hiring a professional to do it for you..

i am available if youre interested.. contact me at

heres a taste of what i do

Wow, Thats Fucken awesome,I hope one day to have the body I've only dreamed about

it can become a reality mate, very do-able you just need the right attitude and determination behind it.

Failing all other reasons, you'll add years to your life and have more energy to boot!

I've been with 3J for 13 months now and can vouch for his service. My diet was tailored to include some foods I really do like, with room for variation to keep me sane.
I just need some kind of guidance I guess, hell I don't know, I guarantee I have the will power to finish something I start..Hell if I can quit heroin and stay clean, I can damn sure do what it takes .I just need advice and guidance..PLEASE!!!.. Tired of being in this body...It's that time
read those stickies man . Inform yourself . If your that determined read them . Itll show you everything you need to know. Then from there if u still have questions ask away , but once u have an overall basic knowledge.