Beginning cycle help and advice would be greatly appreciated


New member
Hey guys just needing some advice in taking my first cycle and need some advice. Been doing research and I think I'm ready. I'm 5'5 160 22 years old. Planning on running 300mg test ace at an eod stick regime. Running liquadex at .25mg eod and nolva and Clomid as my pct. any suggestions or anything that needs to be tweaked? Thank you!
Welcome to the boards.

Let's assess your readiness.

You're too young- unless you intend to go pro or compete.

You probably don't have a good enough natural base at 160. What is your bf?

By test ace I assume you mean test prop and not tren ace. Either way your proposed cycle is to pin a gram a week? Or did you mean pinning 100mg eod?

You're not ready. In terms of education, physique or physical maturity.

Stick around and learn, increase your natural base, refine your diet and plan on a proper cycle in 3 years or so!

While you're here please give a proper introduction with complete stats, workout history and goals.
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300 mg a week is a trt dosage so won't do you any good
300mg eod is way too much for your size, age and as your first cycle.

gaijijapan covered everything, ill just add a bit more.

wait till you are 25, you might hate us NOW but once you reach that age and down the road you'll thank us.
till then do research, stick around and read , learn where others have been wrong and avoid those mistakes your self , stay consistent with hitting the gym and dieting and once you are 25 start off with a 500 MG TEST Ethenate or Cypionate a week at max and MIN. your pct and ai is good as you posted above.

good luck man.
Fitguy22 you might want to look at that TEST Ethenate again

Op they hit it for you and not only are you too young you aren't educated enough in the safe use of AAS. But you can gain this knowledge by reading the sticky threads on her as well as google and all the steroid profiles. Hang tight ,