being sick from the flu!

mass rookie

New member
muscle recovery!

since Ive been sick from the flu, Im back into training and damm do I feel weaker not so much the weight, but I seem to do less sets than before I was sick. strength seems to be low. also I get that shaky nervous feeling when in motion. whats up with that muscle recovery fact, I need some of that!
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Well of course you're weak when you first come back. Being sick takes a lot out of our bodies. Don't worry, in a week or two, you'll be back to normal.:)
I just starting getting a cold today, I am fighting it like a bastard (took today off classes to take meds and sleep) I DO NOt want to get sick, I just starting gaining and pushing through my goals but NOOO I gotta get sick :(
Be sure that you keep your protein level up to help with recovery. You may also want to take in some extra antioxidants as well.(A,C, E):)