Bench Press Injuries

Many many cuff injuries from benching..... Extensive shoulder warm ups have kept me injury free for a few years now. I copy Branch Warren's warm up.
I blew my pec tendon off the bone in 2000.
Surgery-- the whole shabangeebang.
Took forever to heal. Never benched again. It pulls on the screws.
yea iv injured myself on a not so heavy lift.. it really sucks.. i feel it to this day..

esp when im training in bjj and i get put into a kimura.. the ligament that stretches due to a kimura is the one i tore.. i was out for 8 months
How many of you have damaged your rotator cuff, pec or tendons due to bench pressing. (Bar only)

Had a torn rotator cuff injury from football/motocross for 7+years.. it finallt felt like it was healed(i actually heard it tear/sounded like a rubberband pop. still til this day i've never heard anything like it)Finally had insurance and wanted to get it fixed/Dr. doubted it was torn/retard. He went in fixed it. 4 weeks post surgery i slipped on some ice and fell right on it, hard as fuck too. Now its been over a year and I have a bad inpingement/bone spur cause of the fall/worse than the small tear before. Oh well, Im used to it being jacked up