Best brand of creatine


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WHo makes the best creatine? is the GNC store brand just as good as their high price competitors
WHo makes the best creatine? is the GNC store brand just as good as their high price competitors

GNC brand anything sucks lol. As does Vitamin World, and anything from MuscleTech. All garbage. :basket:

Creatine Tang

It costs a little, but has 200 servings of 5 grams each. Compared to the cost and servings of the GNC junk.... L O L, its shameful.

Rule of thumb in the supplement world. Never go to GNC, Vitamin World, or :smashcomp
I would have to say YES to GNC's brand. IMO get unflavored monohydrate. I recently got bored and made the terrible mistake of buying fruit punch... on its own it is delicious but since I can't consume like 100 fl oz of water before the gym I need to mix fruit punch with chocolate peanut butter. It is worse than it sounds...........

If your looking for a name-brand I think Ancient Strength might be good but once again plain jane generic creatine is good stuff. I used to take jack3d per-workout, but you still have to get creatine on its own too. You can't go taking tons and tons of caffine ( which is in jack) just to get the creatine right.
Last I heard, all the research on creatine had been done on monohydrate, so that's all I've ever used. The only difference between brands of creatine monohydrate is the purity of it. Creapure is supposed to be the best. It is made by a German company but they sell it to lots of distributors, so effectively creapure is sold under many different brands (e.g. Optimum Nutrition and Biotest, just to name a couple). My vote is to find the cheapest source of creapure you can and go with that.
GNC brand anything sucks lol. As does Vitamin World, and anything from MuscleTech. All garbage. :basket:

Creatine Tang

It costs a little, but has 200 servings of 5 grams each. Compared to the cost and servings of the GNC junk.... L O L, its shameful.

Rule of thumb in the supplement world. Never go to GNC, Vitamin World, or :smashcomp

hate both places loll the worst products and pricess!!