Best gyno-fighting combo


New member
I put my situation below. Looking through the numerous posts on gyno I still find it hard to figure out what regimen I should try. I've been using cabergoline, 1/2mg 3x/week. In conjunction I tried anastrozole(armidex) at 1mg eod with little benefit. Plus I tried 6 days on 40mg nolvadex then 6 on 20mg, again not much for results. I finally got aromasin, using 12.5mg/day plus the cabaser. I have letro but am unsure if I should use it and if so how to dose it. Or should I just keep with what I"m using but up the aromasin?

Sometime in my last cycle or the one before I got gyno for the first time, not just puffy but hard lumps behind nipples. Those were tren/prop cycles. It went away those times during pct, I think.

Currently on a low-dose sust/tren cycle. I did about a month sust only, just 250mg/week and the past 6 weeks I've added tren-ace at 80mg 3x/week plus 50mg proviron daily. Before I thought tren caused the gyno, but this cycle it started coming back while on sust only.