best kind of supplements


Well-known member
bottomline what are the 2 best supplements one can use when trying to build muscle besides steroids? or anthing illegal, ive heard good things on this new stuff called forza-t. Any suggestions?
Food - Protein - Red Meat .... Best thing for putting on mass IMO.

A good Protein powder. Lets face it, a lot of us work or go to school, or have bust schedules for some reason. Protein powder is great to use as a supplement to food ONCE AND A WHILE!!!
Food is a given. If you aren't eating enough everyday, don't bother with supplements. They are called supplements for a reason - they should be _supplementing_ a great diet. So assuming you've got your diet in order, whey and creatine are the two biggest for me. Maybe some dextrose to add to the whey around workouts.
Lots of QUALITY food. Protein powder. Creatine.
Not sure when u said roids if u're talking about illegal ones?? I just started some Superdrol by designer thats suppose to be a really good mass builder. I'll let u know in 7 wks how it went if u're curious.
Hands down from experience are nitric oxide boosters such as Nitirx and second would be the new creatins with added esters. But keep in mind that u must diet and exercise effectivly for any of these supplements to work at all.
a good mixed protien combo (whey iso and a Micellar casien) and creatine i always throw in a vitamins cant go wrong with them either....those are what i use regardless what or secondary supps i use, u bet i have those 3 at all times.
What are u talking about!! Nitric Oxide boosters the best supplements!?!?!? Yeah right. NO2 sucks. ITs a waiste of $$. I've tried it, so i know 1st hand. KNow many others who think nothing of it. Stick w/whats tried and true. Protein, creatine. CEE is good 2, i just can't go along w/the no2 crap.
Yeah, I would never out NO products before protein or creatine. I'm not going to tell people not to take them, but you can't choose them before protein or creatine. If I was going to bother with NO, it would be like eighth on my list of supplements. There are several I would add in before NO...
Yeah, it would be about 15th on my list. But when i get down that far i'm out of $$ so can't waist it on unless supplements.