Best lab for orals


New member
Looking into picking up some d-bol for my first cycle

anybody have any good or valued opinions on some high quality labs?
i may be sensing a fail .... but im not sure so ... u dont use oral steroids on their own because they shutdown your bodies natural test production , this leaves 0 test in your body and leads to many problems , this is why u always use test in all cycles as a base to compensate for your body shutting its own supply down
however if u are doing things right , any trusted source that makes real gear ... will have good dbol . brands dont matter as long as the source is trusted . brands are fakes all the time
looking to use the orals in addition to test-e, but thanks for the concern anyway. also looking at labs for the test-e and i'm torn between AML and pinnacle. If everyone here is reppin one or another then surely you can't really go wrong with either
cant go wrong with either of the labs u stated above , have experience with one , and only heard great things on them both . your g2g with either
thanks for the feedback fancyhuh. now to just keep posting credibly and work my way toward a source..