Best legal alternative to Anavar ?


New member
I'm looking for the best "legal" alternative to Anavar.(which means no pro-hormones and no pro-steroides too)
Unfortunately finding such a product is an harsh trip: most of firms tend to "over-hype" their products on their website :ugh:
And there is a lot of fake supplements like Biotest's "Carbolin 19"...

Do you know gus the most effective legal alternative ?
I've heard about "cAMPHIBOLIC" and "AXIS HT"...what do you think about it ?

Jemedah said:
Do you know gus the most effective legal alternative ?
I've heard about "cAMPHIBOLIC" and "AXIS HT"...what do you think about it ?


I'm glad you asked this question, and yes, I do know the most effective legal alternative to anavar. It's called getting a prescription for oxandrin.

And that's what I think about that.

If you want an alternative to an actual hormone, and you don't want prohormones, etc., etc., and you don't want hype, then you don't really want an alternative. Do you think we take this crap because we like facing legal problems, not being able to discuss openly what we are doing or how we do things, potential side effects, etc.? You're outta your mind if you think that. We do it because it's the only effective way we have right now.

If I come across as harsh, I don't mean to be, but if you want to read a muscle tech ad, go read one and buy whatever it is they're selling, it's not going to help you either.

Having said that, if you find what you're looking for, come back and tell us so we can just go ahead and shut this website down.
Jemedah said:
I'm looking for the best "legal" alternative to Anavar.(which means no pro-hormones and no pro-steroides too)
Unfortunately finding such a product is an harsh trip: most of firms tend to "over-hype" their products on their website :ugh:
And there is a lot of fake supplements like Biotest's "Carbolin 19"...

Do you know gus the most effective legal alternative ?
I've heard about "cAMPHIBOLIC" and "AXIS HT"...what do you think about it ?


This is assuming your already taking in adequate amounts of food and protein?

If that is the case, I've had pretty good luck with taking Arginine (to help Nitric Oxide production) and Creatine Ethyl Ester (NOT Creatine Monohydrate) AND making sure to drink at least 64 oz of water each day (this is important).

This is not NEARLY the quick fix like steroids will give you, but you will notice results gradually over a couple of months.

I take 3 g of Arginine AKG and 2 grams of Creatine Ethyl Ester before a workout. Right after my workout, I take 3-5 grams of Creatine Ethyle Ester.

Right before bed, I take another 3 grams of Arginine.

Works for me. And that's about the best you can do without getting into pro-hormone territory.