best pro hormone for lean mass gains super dmz/demonized/alreed mass.......


Hammer Time
best pro hormone for lean mass gains super dmz/demonized/alreed mass.......
I have done test cycles dbol anavar looking to add a oral to next cycle with test. whats a good lean mass prohormone?
helladrol is great for lean mass. You can easily add 10 pounds alone from hella. Its also great for cutting because the gains are so lean. ill be running my first cycle of it next week, may log it.
i have read about trenavar before, but i wouldnt say im an expert. The makers claim that it actually converts into real Trenbolone, however even if that were true it wouldnt work as well since it isnt being injected. if this is true, i would assume this would be better for bulking. i guess it would depend on how much mass you were looking to put on