Best steroid for avoiding hair loss??

James S

New member
Need some tip about hair loss.

Been using Testosterone Enanthate and Trenbolone Enanthate for my last cycle, and have noticed hair loss.

Know that these steroids are some of the worst when it comes to loosing hair.

So now I`m starting planning my next cycle, but would like to use something that`s mild on the hair.

Does anybody have any good combinations they can advice me?

Except shaving my head, lol :p

Been told that EQ , Primobolan and Anavar could bee good.
But I`m not sure what to use, so if some of you have any experience with this please feel free to give advice here or PM me.
Need some tip about hair loss.

Been using Testosterone Enanthate and Trenbolone Enanthate for my last cycle, and have noticed hair loss.

Know that these steroids are some of the worst when it comes to loosing hair.

So now I`m starting planning my next cycle, but would like to use something that`s mild on the hair.

Does anybody have any good combinations they can advice me?

Except shaving my head, lol :p

Been told that EQ , Primobolan and Anavar could bee good.
But I`m not sure what to use, so if some of you have any experience with this please feel free to give advice here or PM me.

Hey mate,

From what I have read, hairloss is induced by DHT receptors in the scalp, so compounds that are

1. DHT related (e.g. Drostanolone / Masteron, Stanozolol / Winstrol, etc.)
2. Can be converted into DHT (e.g. Testosterone)

will make your hair fall out faster.

EQ and Anavar are neither, so they're safer when it comes to this. I have only had personal experience with EQ, and it seemed pretty safe for my hair. (Watch out for high blood pressure, though)

As to Anavar, here is a good thread about Anavar and hairloss that you might want to read:
anavar hairloss

Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) is pretty safe also, but I read that you would need to run Test with it, because it will shut down your natural Test production, and you will get erectile problems and lose your sex drive.

I read that people who take Test can reduce hairloss by taking Finasteride, which blocks the Test from being converted into DHT.

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Hi, Buttman

To the rescue as always hehe.

I`v read about Finastride and different pill I can take, but not sure wich one works.
Know that it`s possible to order it from many different supplier over the net.

Actually I have thought about Anavar en Eq, it will probably not make me super big, but at the same time it will build quality muscles, and I think the mass loss will be minimum after ending the cycle?

Do you have any tip about Turinabol?
Is that something that would make a big hairloss?

Thanks for your help.
Does male pattern baldness run in the family? Look on your mothers side, her father primarily is the key if you will lose your hair

I've seen tren users who don't have MPB lose hair and it thickens up after a few months. Tren is very hard on the hairline
Hi, Buttman

To the rescue as always hehe.

I`v read about Finastride and different pill I can take, but not sure wich one works.
Know that it`s possible to order it from many different supplier over the net.

You're welcome mate.

Not really sure on the Finasteride pills, because I have never had actual experience in using them. I would recommend that you make a post in the General discussion forum and ask for people's opinions, since there are more posters there, and you'll increase your chance of meeting people who have used Finasteride.

I'd also recommend forum.
If you don't find the answers, I'd suggest professional muscle forum. There are lots of pros there with tons of experience.

Actually I have thought about Anavar en Eq, it will probably not make me super big, but at the same time it will build quality muscles, and I think the mass loss will be minimum after ending the cycle?

From what I have read, Anavar is a fat burner. There is an actual scientific study on older men taking it, and they lost body fat after being on it for a 12 weeks, and most of the fat stayed off even after they stopped taking.
(Effects of Androgen Therapy on Adipose Tissue and Metabolism in Older Men)

But as far as muscle building is concerned, everything I have read, from steroid profiles written by experienced bodybuilders, forum posts by people who have used it, and so on, suggest that Anavar is not effective for building lean mass. I have read the same with Eq.

As to my own actual experience, I have never used Anavar, but I have used Eq, so I can tell you about my experience with it.

I used Eq about a year ago. It was around 300mg/week for about two weeks, and my appetite went up noticeably. (I have a training log, and I wrote down my experiences after trying out new compounds.)

After two weeks, I lowered the Eq dose to 100mg/week and added in Deca, Test E/P, Tren A (Finaplix), at 50-100mg/week each. I did this for a total of 13 weeks. I got learner but did not gain much weight at all (less than 5lbs). Perhaps I was losing fat while putting on lean muscle, so the weight on the scale didn't change much?

At any rate, the most noticeable things I experienced from Eq was the appetite increase, but as far as lean muscle is concerned, I didn't notice anything.

Do you have any tip about Turinabol?
Is that something that would make a big hairloss?

Thanks for your help.

I have not read much about Turinabol, but since you asked, I did a quick Google search and found this interesting thread that talks about this exact topic:

Turinabol : a review (for people prone to hairloss)

Check it out and best of luck!

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I took biotin on my last tren/sustanon cycle and didn't notice hair loss but then again no baldness in my family
I took biotin on my last tren/sustanon cycle and didn't notice hair loss but then again no baldness in my family

Wow, you're really lucky with the no baldness genes, mate!

By the way James, speaking of hairloss, shampoos that have TONS of HARSH chemicals are going to make your hair fallout fast, and this is pretty much how most of the shampoos are.

I'd suggest you look for "organic shampoos" - the ones that has only natural ingredients such as tea tree oils, eucalyptus oil, and other types of oils derived from plants, and sodium chloride (salt).

I have used these organic shampoos and baby shampoos for the last 3 years and my hair fallout rate has significantly slowed down compared to before.

We cannot stop hairloss as the result of genetics (at least not yet), but we can stop hairloss as the result of exposure to harsh chemicals from the shampoos.
Hmm, so that means that I should come up with something else then Anavar and EQ..

I love using Tren but worried about getting bold at the age of 30 :p

Do you have any good cycles suggestions Buttman, regarding getting more mass and not to much hairloss?

Tried to read on the Turinabol link you sent me, but I coulden`t open the page, but can try our friend Google, he always seem to have an answer for anything ;)
Wow, you're really lucky with the no baldness genes, mate!

By the way James, speaking of hairloss, shampoos that have TONS of HARSH chemicals are going to make your hair fallout fast, and this is pretty much how most of the shampoos are.

I'd suggest you look for "organic shampoos" - the ones that has only natural ingredients such as tea tree oils, eucalyptus oil, and other types of oils derived from plants, and sodium chloride (salt).

I have used these organic shampoos and baby shampoos for the last 3 years and my hair fallout rate has significantly slowed down compared to before.

We cannot stop hairloss as the result of genetics (at least not yet), but we can stop hairloss as the result of exposure to harsh chemicals from the shampoos.

Thanks for the shampoo tip, never thought about it that way, but going to buy some baby and organic ones now thanks to you :)

Bet my girlfriend is going to ask me why the f ... I have baby shampoo in the shower hehe..
Test and an 5 alpha reductase inhibitor like propecia and topical minoxidil is the only solution IMO. Going into what's best steroids for hair is personal, some may experience more hair loss on one then other. I'd advise to stay away from propecia because of the possible side effects
Thanks, checked it out and it seems good.
So going to order some now and hope it works and only use organic shampoo like Buttman said :)
Thanks for the shampoo tip, never thought about it that way, but going to buy some baby and organic ones now thanks to you :)

Bet my girlfriend is going to ask me why the f ... I have baby shampoo in the shower hehe..

You're welcome, mate. Also, when you rinse your hair, try to use lukewarm or cool water instead of very warm water. I notice my hair falls out more when the water I use is too warm/moderately hot.

LOL about the girlfriend. Tell her she's going to be a mommy :baby:.
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Test e is not one of the worst offenders and as already mentioned deca is a comparatively safe affair. Tbol instead of dbol is also a good trade.

Finasteride comes with some potential sides not worth dabbling with.

Standby for a couple of good links:
This is a favourite web page which I used to help put a safer 'pro-hair' cycle. It uses the anabolic ratio chart to give an index of which roids have the greatest propensity to cause thinning or spur on mpb.

As I said I used test e, deca and Tbol and have been fine, whereas as sus cycle gave me concerns.

Hmm, so that means that I should come up with something else then Anavar and EQ..

I love using Tren but worried about getting bold at the age of 30 :p

Do you have any good cycles suggestions Buttman, regarding getting more mass and not to much hairloss?

Tried to read on the Turinabol link you sent me, but I coulden`t open the page, but can try our friend Google, he always seem to have an answer for anything ;)

Sorry about the dead link mate. Not sure why that site has been filtered out, but here it is (just copy/paste the address and remove the dots, and it should work):

As to good cycles for getting more mass with minimal hairloss, what's your stats, and how much weight are you trying to gain?

The best mass gaining compound with the least hairloss risk that I have used is Deca. But as others have mentioned, you might have to stack it with Test due to the shutdown. The safest Test is probably Test Prop, because it has a half life of about 4.5 days, so by that time, half the amount will be remaining, and this keeps getting reduced by half after another 4.5 days, and so on... it will be out of your system by 2-3 weeks.

(source: AAS: Detection and half lifes.)

If you have never done a cycle before, you can gain a good amount of weight even on a low dose Deca+Test. And the lower the dose, the less chance of getting side effects.

For instance, when I first started, I was able to gain between 1-1.6lbs by taking as little as 100mg Deca/week. By itself :D.

As for Test Prop, the lowest dose I have used was 25mg, and I have gained exactly 1lb in one week. When I used 100mg, I gained 1.8lbs. (I have a training log that goes back to 2011, so I have these numbers recorded.)

If you noticed, 25mg Test prop = 1lb increase.
However, when the dose was increased to 100mg Test prop (four times the previous dose), the weight increase was not 4lbs... it was only 1.8lbs. This is a diminishing return.

So, if you're trying to gain as much weight as you can while keeping side effects to a minimum, I'd recommend that you find the smallest dose possible that still give you constant weekly gains :D. This might take longer for you to gain, say 20lbs, but this is what you need to do if you want to minimize side effects such as hairloss. And the best way to find the right dose for small but steady gain is by keeping a weekly journal (using Microsoft Excel, for example), and write down your weight at the start and end of each week, what compound you take and the dosages, your training frequency, how many meals you eat, low carb or high carb, and so on...

Here is an example:

Week 1:

Starting weight: 170 lbs
Ending weight: 172 lbs

Deca (100mg x 1), Test Prop (100 x 1)

Pinning schedule:
1st shot Monday (50mg Deca, 50mg Test P). 2nd shot Thursday (50mg Deca, 50mg Test P)

High carb bulking. 4 meals a day. 1 protein drink before bed. 3,500 kcalories a day.

Creatine 5g/day. Multivitamins. Fish oil.

Training Notes:
Inclined bench press: 205lbs x 10 reps.

(1) Slight pain about 12 hours after first injection.
(2) Stronger morning woods ;)
(3) Noticeable strength increase in the gym.
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This is a favourite web page which I used to help put a safer 'pro-hair' cycle. It uses the anabolic ratio chart to give an index of which roids have the greatest propensity to cause thinning or spur on mpb.

As I said I used test e, deca and Tbol and have been fine, whereas as sus cycle gave me concerns.


Thanks for your links, the hair loss story has a lot of good info, nice :)