Best supplements for muscle building for those hard gainers


New member
whats up everyone im new to this site! im 28 years old have been lifting on and off since i was 16 years old, and have been lifting consistenly for the last 7 years with a good diet. I have tried alot of supplements in the past from the most basic such as creatine, natural t boosters, aminos, vitamins etc, i have also ran a few sarms prohormones like epistane, halo, stano and mechabol,osta, mk677. I did a full pct with torem on all of the ph and sarms, and got blood work done so i know how to run a proper cycle. What i want to ask for the advanced users in this site is if theres any other supplements out there that i dont know off that could help me get bigger and leaner fast? i finnaly found a real source for real gear but im not sure if im gonna go that route yet. im 6 "1 202 lbs and 14 % bf im a very hard gainer. Any suggestions on
Sounds like you have had a good crack at everything apart from aas lol
Try lgd or yk 11 they are the strongest sarms I've used for good gains
Check out my sarms search log of yk
What i want to ask for the advanced users in this site is if theres any other supplements out there that i dont know off that could help me get bigger and leaner fast? i finnaly found a real source for real gear

test / tren /mast - as far as AAS goes

mk-677 / cjc-1295 / lgd/ igf-1 - as far as GHRP and SARM stack goes

the best big lean fast stacks that I know of. or you could go to the diet and training forum and get those dialed in first