Best supplements for my goals


New member
I don't trust too much in legal supplements, but I hear that some do work. I finished my AAS cycle a few weeks ago and I am literally in the best shape of my life. Jacked and ripped. I have maintained my gains so far, and I actually believe I might have even put on some more muscle mass after the cycle. It is the middle of summer, I am on post cycle therapy (pct), and I want to look as best as possible throughout the season. What are some good supplements to take in order to help me maintain my gains, as well as to help further them.

I was thinking about Creatine Monohydrate. I also hear that L-Arginine is good for getting a lot of Nitrix Oxide and it can really help burn fat and increase muscle mass/strength. Anything else I can take?
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Creatine is a thing of the past... You need to look ahead...

N.O Supplements are the way to go! You will keep your pump and muscle definition even might feel a little more larger. But nothing will give you the results as prohormone or illegal supplement.

I would try stacking a NO PIll like Nitrix. i like this one works well for me. There a bunch out there... and i would use something like Gaspari SizeOn if you want some mass..

Im using nitrix and drinking a NO drink before working out. Super pump250 is a good one ... you will find some creatine ether-estyl in these products.

Sizeon really tastes bad but you can get some great results with it.. If you can find it in Pill format stacked with Superpump and gaspari nolvadex... im sure you will be jacked for sure!
Creatine is a thing of the past... You need to look ahead..
yeah, this is the era of blowing bucks on hyped up and 'futuristic' products that promise 3333% more muscle gain than protein alone. mono is a proven supplement. it's one of the very few that have extensive research to back it.

Nitric Oxide? don't bother wasting your money on gahbage. save it to buy more steak and potatoes. you can make great gains with lots of FOOD and...
  • whey protein
  • fish oil
  • multi
  • creatine
  • BCAAs
stick with the proven stuff. LOL "..a thing of the past." what a joke.
yeah, this is the era of blowing bucks on hyped up and 'futuristic' products that promise 3333% more muscle gain than protein alone. mono is a proven supplement. it's one of the very few that have extensive research to back it.

Nitric Oxide? don't bother wasting your money on gahbage. save it to buy more steak and potatoes. you can make great gains with lots of FOOD and...
  • whey protein
  • fish oil
  • multi
  • creatine
  • BCAAs
stick with the proven stuff. LOL "..a thing of the past." what a joke.

Yeah, I didn't bother replying to his comment. I already mentioned I have no faith in legal supplements and he brings up BSN products to me.

Thanks for the advice. What type of multi-vitamin do you suggest, though? GNC's Mega Men Sport any good? Also, I know all those crappy fake N.O. products suck, but what do you think about L-Arginine? I hear that is the original, pure N.O. and works pretty well.
Also, I know all those crappy fake N.O. products suck, but what do you think about L-Arginine? I hear that is the original, pure N.O. and works pretty well.
I've never supplemented with arginine. i've heard loading and megadosing arginine can provide great benefits. it's a good idea to throw in some lysine (prevents the nasty cold sores people sometimes get) and ornithine to keep things in balance.

the research on "NO products" isn't conclusive, to say the least, so if you still are considering using them it would be in your best interest to read Layne Norton's article on how to properly use them: - Layne Norton - Be In The KNOw About NO!

try a creatine mono, beta-alanine and citrulline malate stack.
I've never supplemented with arginine. i've heard loading and megadosing arginine can provide great benefits. it's a good idea to throw in some lysine (prevents the nasty cold sores people sometimes get) and ornithine to keep things in balance.

the research on "NO products" isn't conclusive, to say the least, so if you still are considering using them it would be in your best interest to read Layne Norton's article on how to properly use them: - Layne Norton - Be In The KNOw About NO!

try a creatine mono, beta-alanine and citrulline malate stack.

I bought some Creatine Mono, BCAA, and multi-vitamins. Already had the Whey and the Fish Oil. I'll stick with these for now and see how everything goes. I already feel like I am taking too much supplements. You are definitely right about the N.O., not enough good evidence to back it up. In a month or so, if I feel like I am losing some intensity I might buy some and see how that goes. Thanks for your help. :)
Good luck with the stomach cramps and the bloating ;)

I doubt the bloating is that bad. Most people say they notice nothing. If you can actually notice a lot of bloating, then you should probably drop some bodyfat to begin with. I am at 10% bodyfat with a lot of muscle, if I actually see lose of definition from creatine, then there is a bigger problem here than water bloat.

If stomach cramps do arise, which I doubt, I'm pretty sure I can handle it. I know 13 year olds who take this stuff.
I have taken creatine for years and have never notice bloat or got stomach cramps. a little bit of water retention but that isnt a bad thing. I would suggest some L-glutamine as well

I doubt the bloating is that bad. Most people say they notice nothing. If you can actually notice a lot of bloating, then you should probably drop some bodyfat to begin with. I am at 10% bodyfat with a lot of muscle, if I actually see lose of definition from creatine, then there is a bigger problem here than water bloat.

If stomach cramps do arise, which I doubt, I'm pretty sure I can handle it. I know 13 year olds who take this stuff.

Hey if it works then the more power to ya! Stuff didn't work out for me and most of the people i know who tried it also. As for 13 year old taking it ... Well there are a lot of retard parents in the world and unfortunately i feel bad those kids who have the potential to excel in a sport or multiple sports but just have no direction from there elders!

Good luck! Go Hard! :)
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Good luck with the stomach cramps and the bloating ;)
stop posting this garbage. it just exposes your extreme lack of knowledge and inability think logically. not all creatine mono users will experience bloating, stomach cramps or any 'creatine side effect'.

stop generalizing and get your facts straight + refrain from making misleading posts = everything will be O.K.
cortisol blocker/mild t booster

Lean FX from anabolic xtreme is a good cort blocker, great to take when coming off gear to block cortisol which if it is high can rob you your gains. Maybe something mild like epistane would help keep in the great shape in you are in now.