Best TASTING weight gainer with lots of calories??


Beast in training
I've taken a bunch of different weight gainers and all I usually look at is the amount of protein and the amount of calories. Always need protein and the more calories the better.. This method hasn't worked out that good for me. Every weight gainer I take tastes horrible and I have a hard time digesting it. I feel like throwing up afterwards. Becuase of this I get really lazy and not consitant on having my shakes twice daily. Anyone have any suggestions on what are some great weight gainers with lots of calories/protein that tastes good?

Right now im finishing up my last box of dymatize super mass gainer.. I have also tried up your mass, (which so far is the best tasting) serious mass, and cyto gainer.
I'd try this. It doesn't fill ya up and you can eat your meals but this is great for building muscle and not getting fat. I believe they have a site you can click on here.....

Steak with low fat peppercorn sauce smothered with onions and mushrooms. Best tasting weight gainer around!

After that I like dynamatize cookies and cream mixed with milk and udo's oil.
Quick Mass worked well for me. it tastes like a chocolate shake if you add enough water.
It can be a bit thick if you skimp on water though. 1010 calories / 50g protein per serving.
I ate two buckets of that stuff and gained a few pounds on it. I used it to up my calories/prot intake to the required level.
make your own.
this is kinda what i do:
2 servings-

4 scoops lipoprotein (100g)
2 scoop oatmeal (50g)
1 banana
4 tbs peanutbutter
handfull of frozen berrys
1 25g scoop of dextrose (when bulking)

fill with milk or water and blend up.
tastes great and is about 800cal per (with milk or soymilk) serving.

link to good tasty protein: Lipotropic Protein by LG Sciences