Best Transition from Test Cypionate to Test Prop??


New member
Been on test Cyp for quite some time 100mg 1x/week and want to change to prop for a while. I want to know what the best transition is to keep levels as steady as possible.....Do i wait 1 week to start the prop, 2 weeks, 10 days, ??? Do i skip a week or more of cypionate and then start the prop? What i the best way as i know half lives are different? I will still do about 100 mg of prop a week and take 20mg every other day but i just want to transition with the least issues. As small of a dose as it is, when i change my levels no matter how small or big i get some bad sides.
Why not just start taking it on your normal pin day?

20mg x 3.5 = 70mg. You will need to to get you to 100mg per week.

Why not just pin test cyp every 3.5 days. That keeps TT levels pretty stable.
I assume your self prescribing? Do you cruise and blast? Im not sure of anywhere that prescribes prop for TRT purposes. So I assume you do this on your own behalf? In Australia we can get vet grade PROP bladders, but LOL man I wouldn't wanna go near those.

Anyway, I know of people who cruise on prop at 50mgx3 a week. MWF.
Seems fine.
Sorry original email was a typo it was 28mg eod not 20.....So i should be almost at 100mg per week, give or take a few....The question was however at what point do you think the cypionate is at a level where if i start the prop its not still totally in my system so that in essence my levels are much higher than normal. Trying to get as exact as i can with the transtion....and why prop? becasue i have some of it left over from the past that is about to expire in 6 months and i want to use it up and i have noticed a little more energy in the past while on similar doses of prop than i did cyp. Not a cruiser but as i said i have extra for now.
Cruising on Prop is a pain in the ass and I would rather do it with a longer ester any day. I'd save it for a proper cycle.

But like Megatron said, I would just start on your normal pin day. Your levels may spike for a few days but will level off.