Bestdrol & Heladrol


New member
Which do you guys recommend for mass gains and least amount of water retention Heladrol or Beastrol? Also what would be a good pct?
Which do you guys recommend for mass gains and least amount of water retention Heladrol or Beastrol? Also what would be a good pct?

They both don't produce water retention, but beastdrol can lead to significantly increased glycogen retention in the muscles leading to an incredibly full look. But it's a harsher compound.

N2 sells their own PCT, Primordial sells the testosterone recovery stack for PCT, and you can also use a SERM with either PCTs (or as a standalone).
Which do you guys recommend for mass gains and least amount of water retention Heladrol or Beastrol? Also what would be a good post cycle therapy (pct)?

if your looking for mass gains I'd go with beast and just use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on cycle to help with water rent.a good post cycle therapy (pct) would be tamoxifen citrate. throw in some bridge after the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) to help hold onto your fresh new gains.I'm assuming your be running supports correct?
Which do you guys recommend for mass gains and least amount of water retention Heladrol or Beastrol? Also what would be a good pct?

I would pick Beastdrol for sure.
GREAT product but dont run it for too long or too high a dose.
4-6 weeks @ 20-30mg ed should be good.
(i rec it stacked WITH test)
So i sounds like beastdrol is the way to go. If you had to say ....what is beastdrol closest in relation to ? d-bol , anadrol etc....?
I take this for my on cycle support supps, and use it for post cycle therapy (pct) support supps, plus a serm and natty test booster.

its a great price, for all the supps in it. make sure you start taking 1week before you start beastdrol, then through out the cycle and during post cycle therapy (pct) just to keep those organs healthy.
N2 guard is really good, however if you want to save some dough, get cycle assist. Good enough to support those organs. Its what I have used for all my cycles.