bicep routine


New member
My training routine for biceps is:
Incline Face Forward Dumbbell Curls, 1 x 12, 1 x 9, 1 x 6
One Arm Incline Bench Isolation Curls, 1 x 12, 1 x 9, 1 x 6

Is this a good combination? I thought they are maybe both isolation exercises (atleast the second one, I am not sure about the first one), and I always thought I shouldn't do 2 isolation exercises for the biceps.
You have a real funny way of naming these exercises. haha. Any way, yeah they both isolate the bis, but you need a mass building exercise like barbbell curls or something to start with in my opinion if you want size. All exercises give you size, but bb curls seem to help alot.
@coleman said:
I don't make up these names myself, they come from:
by the way it was Incline Face Forward Barbell Curls and not Incline Face Forward Dumbbell Curls

So I just change this to a standing barbell curl?

Well no, dont change it, try it. With standing bb curls you can do more weight so in my opinion it is better for mass. That is a great exercise too, but it isolates it alot more for peak.
heavy back work helped mine.then a couple sets off iso work after the heavy back stuff.thats what worked for mine.pull heavy deads and be done with it.
the thing with heavy ass back work is, after you're through, you'd had a hard time doing bis anymore. but all is well.

whenever people do heavy ass deads, their other back workout is mildly or drastically decreases in reps/sets/pounds. quite normal I suppose.
anything with the word "isolation" in it is useless for muscle building purposes for most people. what do you think is going to stimulate more growth in your arms...heavy rows with 100+ lbs, or isolation curls with 15 pounds dumbell?
Suareezay said:
anything with the word "isolation" in it is useless for muscle building purposes for most people. what do you think is going to stimulate more growth in your arms...heavy rows with 100+ lbs, or isolation curls with 15 pounds dumbell?
yep, or else the curling crew would sport 20 inch arms on 140lb geek frames.
That bicep routine is fine, dont over analyze it. You dont need much for the biceps but like everyone else said. Heavy ass back work is more tha enough for most people imo
isn't it good to vary the rountine, so not always do a mass building exercise and a isolation exercise?

I do not really understand what u all meaning by doing heavy back work is enough. I always train heavy, so also with my back. but I need to train my biceps with other exercises wright, not only with the back stuff?
i think bicep work is way overrated

do you need to do bis in addtion to back work? YES

bottom line is your bis WILL NOT grow unless you are adding weight to your frame!!!!!
I've heard people say that bent over rows and chins give them better bicep development than curling exercises.
@coleman said:
isn't it good to vary the rountine, so not always do a mass building exercise and a isolation exercise?

I do not really understand what u all meaning by doing heavy back work is enough. I always train heavy, so also with my back. but I need to train my biceps with other exercises wright, not only with the back stuff?
you can vary your "routine" all you want....db curls, ez curls, machine curls, whatever...but if youre not eating enough to gain weight, and youre not progressively using more weight in the gym, NOTHING will happen in terms of size/strength gains (unless youre just one of the lucky few).

you can hop from excersize to excersize all you want, but if after a significant period of time you are using the same weights, and still weigh the same, you havent accomplished anything.
I like to start my bicep routine with standing barbell curls and it seems to keep working. If you want to try using your biceps with other workouts try cable butterflys and reverse grip lat pulldowns...they work for me.