Big problem with Arimidex Help


New member
Hey guys I,m currently on week 6 of my test E cycle. First of all I'm taking .5mg of arimidex eod. At the beginning of the cycle I was taking .25mg of adex eod and after 3 weeks I've started to get a lot of high e2 symptoms. Waking up multiple times in a night, being anxious and lethargic, lost of strenght, etc.... So I upped the dose to .50mg eod and everything went fine for about a week but now I think I've crashed my e2 level. The day that I'm taking my AI I feel like complete shit and completely lethargic and a LOT of fatigue. I'm sleeping like one hour after the gym just to be able to finish the day. But the other day I feel better. So I don't know what to do ??? Should I take .5 e3d instead of eod ? Adex half life is 48 hours... I know that .25mg is not enough and I cant cut my pills in 8 pieces to get around .35 - .40mg .. it's ridiculous....

Sorry, English is not my first language. If you dont understand correctly just message me. Thanks for your help guys
What's your cycle look like? I'm thinking you definitely crushed that poor estradiol, and your first dose was just fine. A blood test would be best, but being in Canada can make this difficult.

I would drop the adex for a week, then start back at 0.25mg EOD. Loss of strength is not a high E2 side effect btw.

My .02c :)
My new girl is a nurse and I have everything to do the blood test except that I dont know where to send the blood for the analyse. I have personal reason to not tell my doctor that I'm on cycle. My cycle is a basic test E @ 500mg EW. I have a cycle log too. My libido is extremely high too and I still got the morning wood so I'm really not sure.. I will wait till I feel high e2 side effect and I will keep my adex with me just in case because I sleep at my girl's house quite often. Waking up multiple time at night and feel like a complete shit is fucking horrible.I was thinking of maybe taking .25 for one dose and then .50 for the next dose but I don't know if it's a good idea... If I'm taking .25mg when I feel side of high E2 will it be enough as I already know that .25mg is not enough for me ?
You're in Quebec. Luckily not Europe! Can you skip across the border to the good ole USA and get a blood test? Look up locations for Privatemdlabs. Check out their website. As another Canadian, that's my go to spot for lab tests. You don't need a doc and its confidential.

BTW knowing where you are with blood tests is REALLY important to your health.

bonne chance mon amie
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Merci beaucoup !

Maybe going to vermont would be an option if there is a private labs there.

( I don't have my passport... I think this will be a major probem)
Merci beaucoup !

Maybe going to vermont would be an option if there is a private labs there.

( I don't have my passport... I think this will be a major probem)

OMG! don't have a passport?? You can get a passport in a week or two. Go to Walmart and get a picture. Go online and fill in the form. Walk it in or mail to the government.

Besides, you need to get out of the gym and see the world a little. You may need to go to Virginia as I don't see a lab in Vermont for some reason.

You can guess all you want about whether you need arimidex, but only a blood test will really tell you. You can take whatever the usual amount is for most people, but you still need a blood test to see where X amount puts you. Again it is important to control E2. You don't want to break down crying in the gym someday. lol.

A member named Virginian who lives in North Virginia might be able to tell you where to go if you PM him. (Or just see I see you now have the required 50 posts that enable you to pm others
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ya... 13 hours just for a blood test.. well I'm not sure about that. Maybe I'll just tell my doctor that I need a blood test because I'm on testosterone or pay 70$ in a private clinic.
ya... 13 hours just for a blood test.. well I'm not sure about that. Maybe I'll just tell my doctor that I need a blood test because I'm on testosterone or pay 70$ in a private clinic.

You might think that 13 hr drive was well worth it once you grow boobs. :-)

It costs a lot of money to get rid of boobs.

AND that's just one possible outcome
add 300 mg of potasium to your day and avoid salt. It will help shed water weight. Monitor your blood pressure. The lethargy is often due to high bp

Getting blood work done is the difference between guessing and getting it right. I'm not a fan of the armadex. It's just so harsh. My joins don't like it and it takes forever to bring you estrogen back up. With letrozole minor adjustments produce quick results.