Biggest Steroid Bust for No Steroids found. Check this out.


New member
Hi Guys,

Before Chris went to jail and started his 27 month sentence (fyi:for the same thing all the other research companies are still being allowed to do), he uploaded the footage of our raid, arrest, and the horrible media footage. We watched the cop shows and NONE showed a raid as aggressive as ours(keep in mind not a single vial, not a single amp, not a single unprescribed STEROID was found during our raid).
The local cops said we were making 20-30K a day and that we were selling steroids online. I forget, how many of my customers got steroids mailed to them from me?...oh yeah, NONE. Despite the lack of actual steroids, the media was quick to accept the fake information, never having journalistic integrity to research, contact us and get facts, nothing. From start to finish, this was a "steroid case" and even at sentencing, Chris was sentenced a "steroid sentence" and received a longer stretch than if he had actually sold steroids. I'm not sure but I believe the "probably cause" that started this whole mess was syringes and empty vials in my garbage. I measure ingredients with syringes, make my thiomucase with syringed measurements of active ingredients, and empty vials are glass--last I looked wasn't illegal. But these items are non mainstream. Any of you out there that have syringes in your household, check out the video. You are putting your "probably cause" in your garbage..opening yourself up to the same thing you will see on video. I wouldn't wish it on anyone...except all my previous competitors who stay in business as the gov't looks the other way. not cool. If my partner is in jail, they at very least need to be shut down. or Chris should be freed. Moral is: don't throw your pins in your garbage...put them in your neighbors, lol...

Here's the link:(I just wanted to also say thank you to some of our repeat customers that have been with us for years. Because we have lost nearly everything, the customers that were not afraid to do business with us really helped us through this terrible time. I am rebuilding, I am getting better by the day, and I am very thankful to all of you that stuck with us. I don't have much to give in appreciation, but if you call me with your order, mention this post for the whole month of may and I will throw in a razoback tank. Thank you for your support! :)
Thanks for the post. I will check the video out. I know your story, you guys were clearly targeted and made an example of, as a result of the "war on steroids", despite not selling steroids. Probably a District Attorney or someone wanting some publicity or whatever. I was researching starting a business similiar to yours, when I found your story. I will place a order with you later next week. I can see why people would be a afraid to order once you got busted, heck they don't want to end up on a fed list either. As far, as your competitors, I say the more is better. Makes it harder to target your business when you are just a small fish in a big pond. Good luck. Still want to see some pics!

I'm uploading some new pics now. You probably won't be able to see a difference, but I feel stronger, like my legs are starting to have definition. And the butt...what can I say...its always going to be soft, its my genetics.
Looking great Ms and so sorry to hear about your situation! It's unreal with all the technology nowadays that shit like that happens!
Thank you for coming to our humble home "MsAffliction09" and being a new female member. Hope you stick around and share your experience , strength and hope with us. Glad to have you aboard!!
Welcome :bigok:
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affliction, that fucking sucks man. the reporter said that neighbors would smell 'strange odors' coming from the house. what a bunch of shit! its not fucking meth! Im sorry to hear what you went through. but this enrages me, the media constantly surprises me at how ignorant they are.
I have to ask....what was the attorneys name that had your case? I want to make sure I never run into him. If there was NO evidence to show in court , then how do they make a conviction?? I know guys who were sitting next to the ounce of coke they were dealing and still got off with nothing because of some technicalities. I hope your ole man has appealed this!! I'm confused now.....and why weren't you convicted. Ok.....I'm gonna leave this alone.
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Christian Navoy was sentenced to 27 months in prison, 3 years probation and ordered to forfeit assets worth almost $2 million dollars by U.S. District Judge B. Avant Edenfield on March 31, 2009. Navoy operated a research chemical company that sold bodybuilding ancillary products. Navoy pleaded guilty to a single count of “conspiracy to introduce misbranded drugs into interstate commerce, to sell drug paraphernalia [anabolic steroid accessories], and to commit mail fraud”. Navoy’s guilty plea and forfeiture reportedly assured the freedom of wife Jennifer Navoy who had faced similar charges. The government has dropped all charges against Jennifer Navoy; she will walk away with no criminal history after the completion of one year of pre-trial diversion. A review of the case provides insight into how the government is cracking down on steroid and ancillary drug use in bodybuilding community.

Chris Navoy and Jennifer Navoy owned and operated which sold various ancillary drugs and bodybuilding products such as Clomiphene, Sildenafil, Finasteride, Letrozole, Tamoxifen, and Vardenafil as well steroid conversion kits. Navoy did NOT sell anabolic steroids or controlled substances nor did authorities seize any illegal steroids during the execution of search warrants contrary to news stories, police statements, and government court documents. The case solely involved “research chemicals” and “conversion kits”. Many individuals in the bodybuilding community have closely followed this potentially precedent-setting case for the legality of “research chemical” sales.

Chris Navoy’s plea agreement kept the case from going to trial and providing definitive rulings on the legality of bodybuilding research chemicals. The judgment in the case of the United States of America vs. Christian J. Navoy does not necessarily make the sale of research chemicals illegal in the United States. What we do know for certain is that the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has started investigating research chemicals which are not normally under their jurisdiction.

The FDA expanded its investigative powers into the research chemical domain by asserting that the research chemicals were actually sold as misbranded drugs by Chris Navoy. The federal government had rejected disclaimers and labeling stating the products were for “research purposes only” and “not intended for human consumption.” Furthermore, the FDA asserted that the research chemicals were misbranded drugs since they did not have adequate directions or warnings for safe consumption. Of course, research chemicals not intended for human consumption would not be expected to have such dosage and contraindication information.

Rick Collins, legal expert on performance enhancing drugs and supplements, has previously commented on the significant challenges the federal government faces in the prosecution of a research chemical case:.

“In practice, the research chemical scenario presents a tougher challenge for the FDA than other misbranded drug cases. More typically, a product is sold for human use or administration and the issue is the adequacy of labels and such. But with research chemicals, the government must instead prove the threshold issue that the product is intended for human consumption – despite express warnings and disclaimers to the contrary.”

Even if Chris Navoy was fully aware that his customers would use research chemicals for bodybuilding purposes as ancillary medications, he would only face a misdemeanor crime punishable by a maximum fine of $1000 in the absence of the intention to defraud, mislead or conviction of similar crime.

“The penalties for misbranded drug violations are found in Section 333(a). Under 333(a)(1), neither knowledge nor intent is required for a misdemeanor violation. To make it a felony under 333(a)(2), the requisite additional element is just the intent to defraud or mislead, or having a previous similar conviction. The felony carries a maximum term of imprisonment of three years,” according to Rick Collins of Collins, McDonald & Gann.

Chris Navoy’s guilty plea to a single conspiracy charge also included drug paraphernalia (anabolic steroid accessories), specifically the Finaplix conversion kit commonly known by steroid users as a “Fina Kit”. “Fina Kits” are used by bodybuilders and athletes to extract and convert the active ingredient trenbolone acetate in Finaplix cattle implants into an injectable anabolic steroid used for bodybuilding purposes.

The felony drug paraphernalia charges facing Navoy involved the sale of some empty vials, needles, syringes, sterile oil and an inert solution packaged as a conversion kit. According to federal law, drug paraphernalia is defined as “any equipment, product, or material of any kind which is primarily intended or designed for use in manufacturing, compounding, converting, concealing, producing, processing, preparing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance.”

Many may recall that Tommy Chong was prosecuted and imprisoned for selling bongs in spite of disclaimers that they were intended only for tobacco and not for marijuana. Similarly, Chris Navoy sold “Fina Kits” with prominent disclaimers stating the conversion kits were intended for research purposes only. In both cases, prosecutors rejected disclaimers as a sham.

A successful drug paraphernalia prosecution requires the involvement of a controlled substance. The legal status of marijuana as a controlled substance is relatively clear. But the fact that Finaplix is readily and LEGALLY available over the counter and via the Internet made the prosecution of Chris Navoy on steroid paraphernalia charges even more disturbing than the prosecution of Tommy Chong on pot paraphernalia charges.

The veterinary product Finaplix is not a controlled substance in and of itself. Trenbolone acetate, the active ingredient in Finaplix, is indeed listed on the controlled substances list. Nonetheless, Finaplix is sold by numerous veterinary supply company in the United States on the internet and via the Google Adwords and Amazon Marketplace. It appears that anyone in the United States can purchase Finaplix from U.S. based vendors without any age verification.

It seems a little unusual that the federal government would send an individual to prison and seize $2 million in assets in large part based on the sale of Fina Kits whle ignoring the widespread and apparently legal sale of Finaplix by online veterinary supply companies via and advertising and merchant programs.

The United States of America vs. Christian J. Navoy did not provide any clear or definitive rulings on the legality of research chemicals that have the potential to be misused. But it is abundantly clear that the FDA is fully prepared to find ways to attack the legitimacy of research chemical companies.
Having had similar experiences.... I must say my favorite part of these stories are the neighbors that get interviewed who 'always knew something was going on'

The neighbors never seem to concerned when they are feasting at your backyard BBQ's in the summer; Bringing the kids by for halloween; or getting you to support or donate to every charity or group that the neighborhood kids belong too.
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Having had similar experiences.... I must say my favorite part of these stories are the neighbors that get interviewed who 'always knew something was going on'

Reminds me of watching that show COPS which I can't stand. People like that. "Always had a feeling something strange going on"

Shit out of any type of activity I be happy that was only issue going on my block. Which in this situation is nothing! You got jacked!
They probably got narc'd out by jealous neighbors, bunch of haters out there. Once the feds latch on to you and start building a case, then the "evidence" is almost inconsequential. Unless you have unlimited money for a top team of attorneys, you are screwed. I've seen it too many times.
I just watched the video link, how ridiculous. I doubt they were "manufacturing Human Growth Hormone". Dude says they had "Cialis up in there". Wow. Neighbor said "they were bringing people into the area that they did want around". What? They weren't selling dope people. It was an online research chems company.
Sorry to hear about the bust. My prayers go out to Chris, you, and your family. AF also has a thread going over there with the think and showing support. I wish Chris would've been able to fight it instead of plea out because I think the case/evidence was crap and even a decent lawyer wouldn't have gotten the case thrown out or brought in a not-guilty verdict..IMO But I know he did it to protect his loved one(s).
I also heard that since the case didn't go to trial and set some type of precedent for Research Chem Co.'s, the rest have been able to keep operating. I also heard the fed's are really targeting more of those companies that are selling conversion kits and similar supplies citing "paraphernalia"..
The stupid reporter that did this piece for the news is crooked. If you listen to the audio starting at second 53 it sounds like the cop says No Steroids, then he says No ....I cant make out what he is saying. Then the cop says there was Cialis up in there. Listen for youself. I think the reporter cut out the NO when the cops says No steroids so its sounds like there were steroids. Dont trust the media for sure.