Biotech ts 400 , op testabolon 400 and psl test 400


New member
Just wondering if anyone is use in biotech ts400 I got from a local guy a year ago and it did great for me but haven't been able to get any since.. haven't tried any op or ep from psl just wondering if anyone has any input on how the others would stand up to biotech anyone have any input to share that would help me out
I've heard good things about them all buddy.....
Obviously I'm a tad biased towards PSL, but that's only because I've been treated like royalty by them so far...

You could use any one of those three and get results - as long as your diet and training are dialled in of course! ;)
Well that is all good to hear looks like I'll be trying psl and op finding some biotech seems to be a challenging task so far
Well that is all good to hear looks like I'll be trying psl and op finding some biotech seems to be a challenging task so far

Sounds like a plan... why don't you run a log when you start it... you don't see many T400 logs knocking around.

Good luck bro.

BigBen :)