bit of post cycle therapy (pct) advise please!!!


New member
bit of pct advise please!!!

currently running pro pharma sustanon 400 @ .5ml every 3 days, going to run for 10 week, my question is about post cycle therapy (pct) i know i need to run 3 week after my last shot and run for at least 4 week, but at what dosage do i run clomid at
my stats at mo- 32yr old
5ft 10
75kg (rising)

any feedback will be great

Clomid would be 50mgs every day for 4 weeks. Nolvadex would be 40mgs per day for first 2 weeks, then 20 mgs per day last two weeks with clomid..
you don't wanna run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your post cycle therapy (pct), you'd wanna run it right before you end your cycle (if you haven't been running it the whole time), and into your 2 weeks after your last shot. Also, start pct 2 weeks after your last shot, not 3. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) suppresses your LH, so you want to cease it so you bounce back during your pct... its a kicker to your pct

^^and bump to tbone's pct protocol.