bitch tits

your friend got himself a surgery, but i wonder if that gyno won't come back, cuz it's from estrogen.
arby said:
You have to remember that those percentages may be a bit skewed... e.g. the percentage of patients reporting decreased libido is 1%, yet out of all the people on the boards (people who likely listen to their body more than others) a good quarter to half have reported same.


yes, but most of them are doing all sorts of stuff to mess with their hormones, not just taking finasteride. could be the preverbial straw. given his symptoms, I still doubt it is gyno, but I'm sure the percentages are higher for those also taking test, etc. But I've rarely heard of someone suspecting finasteride-related gyno on the boards, so I suspect that the percentage isn't many times higher than the published numbers as it is in the case of sexual sides.